Freedumb In Houston!!!

So we all know that freedom consists in businesses and their rich owners being able to do whatever they damned please, right? And we have a classic example of how freedom helps the people of Texas live the good life that their Conservative overlords have promised them, in return for not caring about pollution, global warming and all those other meaningless obsessions of those dumb libruls. Today's example comes in the form of the city of Houston, the largest city in the nation that has no zoning regulations, because who has a right to tell someone what they can do with their own money, on their own land, amirite? And what does zoning have to do with the recent floods that have a good part of Houston under water? Well, a couple of things. First of all, zoning regulations in sane cities require that when an area is developed it has sufficient roads in and out of it so people can get out in an emergency. No need for that kind of evil Government tyranny in Texas!...