Playing the Trump Card

Get ready for it.  Despite all of the Republicans' efforts to shut things down, every day we get a new little piece of the puzzle of the Trump administration's treason.  At this point the evidence, taken as a whole, is so overwhelming, that you would have to be corrupt or deeply ignorant to deny what is going on.

It is clear that Trump and his manipulators know perfectly well that all that is needed is a couple more revelations, and absolutely nothing will be able to save him but starting a war, during which he can try to intimidate people into falling in line behind him, the way that George W. Bush did.

The Trump administration has been sending up trial balloons suggesting various possibilities, ever since it took office, but it seems that they have now settled on provoking a conflict with North Korea, a country which has as little sympathy around the world as Trump himself has.  Here is our current Secretary of State, blabbing on about the new Trump doctrine toward North Korea:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned Friday that military action against North Korea was "on the table" if the country continued to develop its weapons program. 

"If they elevate the threat of their weapons program to a level that we believe requires action then that option is on the table," he told a press conference in South Korea. 

"Let me be very clear — the policy of strategic patience has ended," he added on Friday. "We are exploring a new range of security and diplomatic measures. All options are on the table."

"Strategic patience," i.e. largely ignoring Kim's impotent threats, is over, and now, I guess, we will be ready to smash North Korea at the slightest excuse, like the playground bully that Trump is.  Well, let me speak some plain truth about North Korea and Kim Jong Un.

Kim with his American buddy, Dennis Rodman

Kim is a thirty year old fat buffoon.  He is supposedly the head of a country that has been run by its military for decades.  Do you think that the generals who head the military would really turn the country over to this idiot?

Here is the obvious truth about North Korea, which anyone with half a brain can see, but which is as verboten in the mainstream press as the suggestion in 2002 that Iraq and Saudi Arabia might in fact be two separate countries:  North Korea is a brutal dictatorship; a horribly impoverished country in which a vast proportion of their national income goes to the military.  Now, anyone who knows a single thing about dictatorships knows perfectly well that a major part of that money ends up in the pockets of the generals, who fully intend to keep things going on that way, which will not be the case if the country is bombed into oblivion.  This little jerk Kim, in fact, is no more the ruler of his country than Queen Elizabeth is of hers; his entire function is to keep the populace in such a state of terror that they do not fight back against the generals' thieving of their wealth.  His inflammatory rhetoric is entirely intended for internal consumption, which is why the entire rest of the world shows the same "strategic patience" with him as you show toward your dog when it runs out of your house and barks at a passing truck.  The world's leaders know perfectly well that the last thing that Kim, and more importantly the people who really hold the power in North Korea, want is a war.  There are only two things that can demolish the generals' con- first, if the people of North Korea figure out that they have been had; that's what Kim is there to prevent.  And second, if some ignorant, brain damaged bully out there decides that it is to his advantage to pretend to take Kim seriously.  So, no one has ever taken his bait.

Until now.  Now, the world's biggest military is in the hands of an overgrown, belligerent, violent sociopath, who really would like to smash someone in the face, just for the hell of it, and who may also be on the point of deciding that starting a war is the only way to hang on to his Presidency.

And you know that the Trump administration is fully aware that, when North Korea fights back against an attack (and they will) the victims will not be Americans, but perhaps hundreds of thousands of South Korean and Japanese people who will likely be killed before things come to an end.  Oh yeah, a bunch of American soldiers will die too, but Trump will care about them as much as George W. Bush did about his American victims in Iraq, which is to say that their deaths will be convenient opportunities for some malignant jingoism and nothing more.  The dead Koreans and Japanese?  The Trump administration won't give a damn about them.  In fact, it might be sort of glad that this monstrosity will alienate the United States from two staunch allies.  After all, it certainly would fit the pattern of deliberately alienating the NATO countries, Australia, Mexico and Canada, leaving our country alone when it is subject to threats from, oh, say, Vladimir Putin, just to pick a name at random.

You might as well let a five year old take the controls of a 747.  Well, fasten your seat belts, people, and set your cell phones to airplane mode, because it's going to be a bumpy ride.


Zog said…
"Kim is a thirty year old fat buffoon. He is supposedly the head of a country that has been run by its military for decades. . . . This little jerk Kim, in fact, is no more the ruler of his country than Queen Elizabeth is of hers; his entire function is to keep the populace in such a state of terror that they do not fight back against the generals' thieving of their wealth."

Are you sure? I think it's Obfuscating Stupidity on Kim's part.

Tell me. If you wanted to look like a fat buffoon, and had to choose one American to hang around with in order to make that impression, wouldn't Dennis Rodman be near the top of the list?

(Let's remember the Roman Empire. Claudius used obfuscating stupidity just to survive long enough to become emperor. It's not a new tactic.)

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