Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

You stupid sons of bitches:

"President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent."

You will be lucky to get $200 a year out of that two percent cut.  A wonderful reward for selling the country out to a Russian spy.  I hope you will be happy with the results of giving into your hatred and greed.


Professor Chaos said…
Somehow they'll find a way to blame Democrats when their taxes go up.
Jerry Critter said…
Stupid sons of bitches. Hell, if they make about 40 grand or less per year, they already don't pay federal income tax. But then, Anyone with half a brain would not vote for Trump in the first place.
Grung_e_Gene said…
As long as those people suffer more them it's worth it!
Kevin Robbins said…

Kelly Rodriguez, 47, who lives in Tampa, Florida, voted for Trump and is a single mother who claims two of her four children as dependents. (Her ex-husband claims the other two.) She made roughly $90,000 last year, including alimony payments. Her taxes would likely rise under Trump's plan, according to Batchelder's analysis.

"I would want him to explain that to me," she said. "Taxes have to make sense to the people paying them."

I just know he's tweeting out that explanation right now.
Green Eagle said…
We are the captives of stupidity. And greed and hatred too.
Peter said…
Do dog shows promote white supremacy and eugenics, and, if so, how?
Green Eagle said…
Peter, only if the Corgis don't win. At least as far as Green Eagle is concerned.
Magpie said…
Tariffs of (say) 40% would cause the US GDP to shrink by 1.2%. If the rest of the world retaliates with tariffs of their own, and most would be left with no choice, the contraction goes past 5%.
That is a major recession.
The poor in America who are about to see their taxes go up to pay for the rich whose taxes go down would not just be down, they be down for the count, kicked in the teeth.

Meanwhile the plan, such as it is, is to spend lots of money on building the US military even further beyond the world-incinerating capabilities it already has, as middle America implodes into grinding proverty. The one thing that does make sense is the renewal of American infrastructure, except you can't do that and have lower corporate taxes at the same time.
Unless you invade other countries and steal their stuff. And probably not even then, because the hyper-rich will take the money and run. They're not interested in making their country great again.

Lower corporate taxes and protectionism at the same time is a recipe for economic catastrophe. Isolationism and abandoning the pacts that have prevented major wars for decades is a recipe for military adventurism. Nothing Trump offers makes sense and I fear my children's generation will be the first since their great-grandparents to struggle in an epoch of total war.
Green Eagle said…
"...the plan, such as it is, is to spend lots of money on building the US military even further beyond the world-incinerating capabilities it already has...The one thing that does make sense is the renewal of American infrastructure, except you can't do that and have lower corporate taxes at the same time.

Unless you invade other countries and steal their stuff."

Sorry to always come back to the same old thing, but this was pretty much exactly the economic plan that was envisioned in Germany in the 1930's. And it worked too. For a while, that is, until the rest of the world decided that invading other countries and stealing their stuff just wasn't all that good an idea for everyone else.

Of course, Hitler didn't have 5,000 nuclear weapons, so maybe this time around it will turn out just great.

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