When You're Right, You're Right

Driftglass, today:

"Nothing will change until the Very Serious People who are set the parameters of our national debate are compelled to start acknowledging out loud and in public that the biggest reason our country is in trouble is that the Republican party is a dangerous madhouse, and the reason is got that way is because Conservative elites and oligarchs and media corporations designed it that way."

That's the message.  That's the only message, the only one that counts.  And it's the message that will not be told because, as the man says, "Conservative elites and oligarchs and media corporations designed it that way."

There was a time, you know, when these oligarchs could not have gotten their hands on the entire mainstream media.  That was before Saint Ronnie Reagan got his hands on things, and that is one reason why, despite Bush being the utterly colossal public failure that he was, he will not be remembered as the worst, most corrupt President in our history.  That honor belongs to Ronald Reagan, who will keep it unless the mockery of a free press he unlocked on us curses the country with Donald Trump.


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