Wingnut Wrapup

Today's Wingnut Wrapup is respectfully dedicated to Steven Joshua Dinkle, who was arrested with his mother for cross burning in black neighborhoods. Steven claims to be a former Exalted Cyclops of the Klan. Apparently, you can reach that position of great responsibility but still have to have mommy along to commit crimes. Here's Steven, giving what I assume is a secret Klan signal to his many followers: Attractive, no? Really, it's not so different from the rest of the belligerent garbage that the right continually pumps out for the benefit of Green Eagle. Well, on with the idiocy. The great Conservative outrage over the last few days may have escaped your attention. It's the current Obama Administration plot to attack the Catholic Church by closing our embassy to the Vatican! Here is a (very small) sample of the anger swirling around the wingnut world about this: Washington Times: "Obama’s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in...