How It Starts

And how it ends:
And if you think I'm kidding, you're not paying attention to things.  I've just about had it with pretending that the United States is just going through some sort of normal swing.  Ted Cruz is now the leading choice to be President among Republicans.  It sure makes you understand how so many jackasses could have supported Hitler and Mussolini back in the day.  I never did understand that until the last few years, but I do now.


Jerry Critter said…
That is some scary shit, Green Eagle!
BB-Idaho said…
Well, Benito did end up hanging dead & naked from an Italian street pole when his voters did
their last poll.
Magpie said…
I think you'll find it ends in allegations of financial irregularity or wife beating or dalliances with a hooker, or saying something that alienates half the population, or the owners of the GOP simply finding someone more soulless.
These 20 minute messiahs the Right dig out of the dumbass bin don't usually go the distance.

(O)CT(O)PUS said…
"A disciplined minority of totalitarians can use the instruments of democratic government to undermine democracy itself."
Green Eagle said…
Octopus, good point.

Magpie, I think you are right about how it will end- the Mussolini picture was meant to suggest not that Cruz has what it takes to survive, but that this is where we end up when one party deliberately cultivates a voting public based on the lowest of motives.
Paul Avery said…
Some comic relief:

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