The Clown Car is Filling Up Already

This news, from Crooks and Liars:

"Romney Inner Circle Convinced He's Running"

And some people have been worried that the Republican primary season won't offer as big a circus as last time around.


Magpie said…
Are those the people who provide services to him that he likes to fire?
Jerry Critter said…
Well, that's a good strategy for the republicans. Let's run the loser again. Maybe they can pick a loser Vice President too.
Frank said…
Elizabeth Warren would skewer him in a debate.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Romney Palin 2016! Double the Losers Double the Fun!
Green Eagle said…
Hey, Romney had his shot. How about Palin-Romney?
Jerry Critter said…
Palin-Romney! Now that made me laugh out loud. Could republicans really be that stupid? YES THEY COULD!
Green Eagle said…
And man, you think that's crazy enough? Here's the title of an article today at PJ Media:

"Palin/Nugent 2016?"

There is no end to their idiocy.
Anonymous said…
Obama(57 states)-Biden(This is fuckin huge)-Hillary(I ain't no ways tired)
Pelosi,who never heard of Johnathan Gruber(pass the bill to find out what's in it)
Harry Reid(Obama has no negro dialect)

The biggest embarrasments
Anonymous said…
My fear is that the whole island (of Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize. -- Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson

Green Eagle said…
As usual, Anonymous, you come along right on time to remind us that all Conservatives belong in the clown car, not just their candidates.

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