But What About Guantanamo, Guys?

I know this is completely irrelevant, but I would like to remind people that the treaty which we forced on Cuba to let us take extended possession of the Guantanamo area specifically laid out what it could be used for, and a prison or concentration camp was most decidedly not on the list.

Yeah, yeah, what do this country's word and its reputation around the world, and the Constitutional mandate requiring that we uphold treaties, mean when some right wingers decide they are so angry that they'd like to torture people?  What is more important, our right to torture or our honor?  I mean, it's pretty obvious who comes down on which side of that argument.


Anonymous said…
The reason we torture terrorist scum is this
Green Eagle said…
No it's not. The reason you torture them is because you are a sadistic psychopath.
Tommykey said…
I'm acquainted with Roxana Saberi, the Iranian-American who was held in Evin prison for several months in 2009. In her book, she recounts how during her imprisonment sometimes her captors would respond to her complaints with "Oh yeah, well what about what the Americans did at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay?" The torture proponents are only thinking of their emotional catharsis about inflicting pain on the bad guys instead of seeing the bigger picture. You want to make if official policy to tortue people? Fine. But when you do, you forfeit the right to prosecute those who do it to our people.
Anonymous said…
Well it should never have been leaked,thanks l8beral media
Green Eagle said…
What the Bush administration did is among the most loathsome things that any government can do. And you are upset about the people that let us know some small part of what really went on. Those people are heroes, Bush, Cheney et. al. are war criminals, and you, Anonymous are a person without morals or common human decency.

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