
Maybe I'm just shooting my mouth off, because I have yet to hear a single person say what I am about to say, but here I go.  There is one factor that unites the Michael Brown murder, the murder of the 12-year old in Cleveland, the murder of Eric Garner at the hands of the Staten Island police, and for that matter, the murder of Trayvon Martin too:  The utter, abject cowardice of white people.

I want to tell you something- in a decent country, if you kill someone, you'd better have a damned good reason for doing so, or your ass belongs in prison. And if you're a cop, entrusted by the rest of us to carry weapons in public, you had better be able to demonstrate that you really were in danger before you start shooting innocent people, or choking them to death. But that's not the way things are in this country.  A cop in Missouri can gun down a teenager in the street, who was accused of nothing but jaywalking, and then claim he was so afraid that he had a right to fire over a dozen bullets at an unarmed person.  Cops in Cleveland can gun down a twelve year old two seconds after getting out of their patrol car, with nothing but the preposterous suspicion that the black kid was going to shoot them with what turned out to be a toy.  They had not a second of obligation to find out if the kid was really a threat before killing him, because they were afraid of a child; and that's just fine.  And Staten Island cops can choke a guy to death for the illegal sale of a cigarette, because they were afraid of him, and get away with it.  This is all exactly equivalent to George Zimmerman, who felt entitled to take a gun and stalk an unarmed teenager, and then kill him because Zimmerman was afraid the teenager might fight back.

What unites all of these things is pure, unadulterated cowardice.  The big tough white guys who wander around the street brandishing their guns, whether in uniform or just second amendment jackasses, demand the right to murder out of fear- and they have carefully filled themselves with fear.  So it is okay for white guys to kill to save themselves from a moment of uncertainty; to strut around and pretend that they are patriots saving the country, while in fact they are infantile, morally defective jerks who can't control their emotions, and feel that it's okay for others to die rather than for them to have to make the effort to deal with their own problems.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Conservatives love when black and brown people are murdered especially if the victim is unarmed.

Conservatives really love to smear the victim as a thug or a dope smoker to justify the killing.
Magpie said…
“The utter, abject cowardice”

You have heard a single person say it. I’ve been saying it for years.

As I said to someone else recently... in our so-called free countries those with the power are very fearful of the powerless, counter-intuitive though that may seem, because the so-called freedoms of the powerless are largely notional.

You’re not free if you can’t rely on the police not to treat you as a rabid dog just because you’re coloured and male. You’re not free if your death by violence doesn’t rate as a crime. You’re not free if paramilitary police line up to silence your democratic right to have your say, like some 21st century Roman legion in Judea sent to put down the natives.

Real freedom is the absence of fear, not the power to deliver it. The average Right wing gun toting NRA ‘hero’ in America is among the craven gutless scum that slime across the earth. When they say ‘freedom’ what they really mean is ‘power’ – unequal and vicious, to use their dickless little hobby as an expression of an underlying hate they do not want to let die.
Green Eagle said…
Well, there you go, Magpie- one sane person in Australia and one sane person in the U.S.

I guess that's about what we're down to.
Anonymous said…
A cop in Missouri can gun down a teenager in the street, who was accused of nothing but jaywalking, and then claim he was so afraid that he had a right to fire over a dozen bullets at an unarmed person
the 300 lb teenager charged him after recently grabbing at his gun.

George Zimmerman, who felt entitled to take a gun and stalk an unarmed teenager, and then kill him because Zimmerman was afraid the teenager might fight back.
Zimmerman's gun did not come out until TM was on his chest suffocating him while slamming his head into the curb.

Cops in Cleveland can gun down a twelve year old two seconds after getting out of their patrol car, with nothing but the preposterous suspicion that the black kid was going to shoot them with what turned out to be a toy.

That 12 year old was pointing that gun,which looked quite real at people. What kind of patent would allow their child to take a toy gun especially one that looked so real out into a racist world?
Anonymous said…
In the Eric Garner case their own black lady supervisor cop that was on the scene said to keep at it. Why not choose her to go after, he was just doing what the supervisor said.

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