A Bunch of Murdering Whiners

Bill Bratton, the head of the New York Police Department:

" Police Feel 'Under Attack' From Federal Government Leaders"

You know what, buddy?  They don't feel this under attack:
Or this under attack:
For people who go around our cities confident that they can shoot anyone they want and get away with it, they sure are a pack of pathetic, whiny cowards.


Anonymous said…
Yep they all go around intending to kill someone.
Jerry Critter said…
The police take the easy way out. They pull the trigger.

When you don't give a shit about the people, it is easy to kill them. Just look at republicans and their fucking wars.
Anonymous said…
As opposed to wrestling someone for the officer's gun
Do you people ever stop and listen to yourselves?
Grung_e_Gene said…
But when Cliven Bundy and his assault weapon toting band of traitors and insurrectionists were threatening to kill Leo's anonymous and other conservative cowards backed the domestic terrorists.
Green Eagle said…
The testimony about Michael Brown rushing Darren Wilson and trying to get his gun came, as we now know positively well, from a "witness" who was an unrepentant racist who was never at the scene. The prosecutor knew this in advance, as he has admitted, and yet he allowed her to "testify" for two days in front of the grand jury. Everyone knows this now, but right wingers keep repeating their lies in the hope that they will fool the gullible.
Frank said…
On Facebook I'm seeing a bunch of posts lately in which police pull over someone and then surprise them by taking them to someplace like WalMart for a shopping spree...or paying for the pizza that the mark has stolen. I never saw these before Ferguson happened and thus far have not seen any of these in which the person who the cop is surprising with his good will is anything other than a white female.
Anonymous said…
Oh yes Bundy ,no comparison
But it would have been easier if tvey were unarmed like Gibson guitar
Grung_e_Gene said…
"Bundy ,no comparison"

Except, that two Bundyist Terrorists murdered 3 people, 2 of which were Cops and there wasn't this breast-beating reaction by conservatives over their murders. Nor have Conservatives given a shit any other time a rightwing domestic terrorist has killed a Cop.

Because, conservatives don't care about Cops unless the Cops are killing minorities, then they support them 100%.
Green Eagle said…
And let us remeber that the ex Bundy ranch murderers and all the other Sovereign Citizen murderers and Christian Identity murderers acted out of an open adherence to right wing ideology. And yet, the Conservative spokesmen do not take a second of responsibility for this, while blasting Liberals for the act of a common street criminal who had no political history at all. Of course, the press will not bring this up in any way,

And Anonymous, I am sure that you know exactly nothing about the Gibson company. I say this as the owner of a 1974 Les Paul Custom and a 1969 ES335.
Anonymous said…
the situation with the Bundy ranch was that had passed when this happened . People weren't
protesting in the streets,with support of the Sandinista Mayor shouting we want dead cops.
I don't help Clive Bundy u to the same standard as the NYC Mayor and the president who still has no comment,for the first time.
Anonymous said…
and what right wing Christian murders are you talking about exactly?
Green Eagle said…
First of all, the story of the people in the streets chanting to kill cops is a malignant lie based on a cut up tape from Fox News:


Once again, Anonymous shows his Conservative colors by knowingly repeating a disgusting smear.

Obama and DeBlasio had nothing to say about it because it never happened.

Second, here is an article from the ADL concerning only one right wing Christian group in the United States, the Christian Identity movement, which I have covered before. It lists a fair number of murders committed by members of this hateful group in pursuit of their goals:


Anonymous, when are you going to realize what a pathetic fool you are?
Magpie said…
Just a crossover comment about FOX News and the AirAsia crash…. One of their blonde zombies seemed to imply that it might have been caused by using the metric system, therein joined by some ‘expert’ who seemed to think rather that foreigners just aren’t as good at being pilots as Americans, behaviourally, culturally (borderline ethnic stereotype dog whistle).

My point is that FOX tells the low-info member of the American public what they want to hear. Hearing stuff like that is patriotically affirming for them.

FOX News doesn’t deliver information, do proper analysis or in any way enlighten its audience because THAT IS NOT ITS PURPOSE.

I don’t know whether this Anon or all the other Anons that comment here are aware of that. It was always intended to be an echo chamber for idiots. It has a very specific target audience:
the low-info hick.
Even some other sections of Murdoch’s machine are not as blatantly partisan as FOX News.

I’m kind of defending Anon here – he/she just may not realise the extent to which he/she is fed total bullshit.
Anonymous said…
hey I get all my non patisan info fom MSNBC
Anonymous said…
I get all my info from the non partisan MSNBC and Dailykos
Anonymous said…
How else would I find out what a fabulous Secretary of State Hillary was?
Anonymous said…
By the way that is a large field the dems have for 2016. Let's see who are the front runner(s)?
Hillary and who else? Oh yeah Hillary. You know the one who empowers women to stand by you man even when he is a lying,cheating, pervert.
Maybe she will have Sandra Fluke at the DNC as a key note speaker
to empower more women to spread their legs for lying ,cheating men
Green Eagle said…
I must, once again, thank Anonymous for demonstrating what I have pointed out repeatedly to be one of the classic behaviors of Conservatives. He accused me, effectively, of lying about right wing Christian murderers, and also told a lie about protesters chanting for more dead cops. When I easily proved my comments about the Christians, and provided a link showing the falsehood of his other claim, he just dropped those lies and moved on to three more posts, utterly unrelated to my original piece or anything in the comments, in which he attacked MSNBC and Hillary Clinton. We all know that if I show what a jackass he was in those remarks, he will just move on to some other lie. As I said, classic Conservative behavior.
Jerry Critter said…
No need, Mr Eagle, to show that Anon is a jackass. He does it all by himself with his comments.
Anonymous said…
If it weren't for FOX we wouldn't know that Bowe Bergahl was a deserter.We would believe how awesome Obama was in getting him home like the rest of dumbed down America who clap like trained seal.
And we wouldn't know who Andrew Tahmooressi was either.
MSNBC made sure not to let their listeners know that dear leader was letting him rot in that hell hole
Green Eagle said…
If it weren't for Fox, we wouldn't know that global warming is a hoax, that torture is okay, that trickle-down economics works, that what happened in Benghazi is some sort of treachery unparalleled in human history, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, that Democrats are really all Communists, that police shooting people in the back is okay as long as they are black, that Bush and Cheney won a great victory in Iraq, etc.

By the way, that Tahmooressi guy was a common criminal who broke Mexican law and was sent to prison for it. The fact that he was a former marine is not an excuse to force a foreign government to abandon their own laws.
Magpie said…

FOX News displays maps that don’t even have oceans in their correct places.

Murdoch’s machine has backed or attacked governments and parties irrespective of their political leaning, and I’m talking way beyond America. He rewards or punishes those who do things that advance or limit the corporate fortunes of his companies and his family.
That’s all he cares about. That is the frame within which he gives direction to his editors.

At election times, he sends key people to the country having the election with the specific directive of getting a government thrown out or re-elected.
The day after one of these guys arrived in Australia at our last election his main Sydney tabloid ran the headline “NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO KICK THIS MOB OUT”.

Now in what universe is that not biased??

FOX News is not intended to inform, investigate or analyse in any serious way. It is purely there to feed the stupid and the ignorant what they want to hear because there is money to be had in that.

You don’t see it this way because you’re INSIDE the demograph, and deep down the well of pretend-fact, but his operation has you pegged:
gullible, reactionary, racist, religious, gun-obsessed, xenophobic, nationalistic, unscientific.

The evil old bastard is laughing at you. LAUGHING that you and liked minded dupes eat his shit out of his toilet bowl.

He does not care that you believe lies. as long as he makes money out of it and his business interests are advanced.

Murdoch was born down the road from me.
I know the kind of attitudes he espouses, and it knows no loyalty or humanistic principle. Any high-minded ideals you might have about America… just a joke to the likes of him.
He’s no conservative in any sense you would consider the term to mean. He is apolitical.

I cannot convey… the cold cynicism of the worldview I’m talking about. Cold ruthless self-interest is the only motivation his ilk trust. He is a leathery smirk and a frown on a stick. If he wasn’t born into wealth he’d be a small time gangster perhaps, or a dodgy used car salesman.
Anonymous said…
Haha look who has the last laugh
Green Eagle said…
For those of you who have the sense not to click on Anonymous' link, it is a video of perhaps the only black person in America who thinks Michael Brown deserved to be murdered for jaywalking.Once again (how many times in this comment stream again?) Anonymous attempts to divert attention from his previous lies by talking about something else (also a lie.) That's Conservatism.
Anonymous said…
Yep he was killed for jaywalking. Good grief
Green Eagle said…
Okay, he was killed because a racist, violent cop knew he could get away with slaughtering a black teenager without any penalty, and it seemed fun to put a whole bunch of bullets into him. Not that different from the black guy who was killed for holding a toy gun in the toy aisle of a store. or the black guy who was killed for selling a cigarette, or the black 12 year old who was slaughtered by police just because they could, or the black teenager who was killed for wearing a hoodie. There, satisfied now?

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