Journalist Beheaded- Right Wingers Rejoice

Because of course it is an opportunity to blame it all on Obama.  Before the firestorm of attacks on him over this issue really gets going, I want to state clearly what in our conduct is to blame for this:

1.  The Bush-Cheney administration decided to conduct a war of aggression against the relatively stable country of Iraq, leaving behind hundreds of thousands dead, a destroyed infrastructure, and a government of religious zealots.  This should be enough to make any sentient Iraqi believe that the United States is their enemy.

2.  The Bush-Cheney administration's conduct of the war constituted one of the greatest military blunders in world history, leading Iraqis to believe that the United States is an incompetent, powerless country despite all of its military equipment.  This leaves ISIL and others of its ilk with the opinion that they can do whatever they want without fear of an appropriate response from the world's only remaining superpower.

Still blaming Bush?  You bet.  And as long as it's his fault, I will go on blaming him.

I want to mention what was perhaps the last great military blunder in the world, the Austrian attack on Serbia.*  Austria-Hungary had 12 times the population of Serbia, and after manufacturing an excuse for war in 1914 should have been able to crush the Serbian military within a few weeks, thus having their revenge for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand; at which point the whole thing would be over, leaving little more mark on history than the Balkan wars of a few years earlier.  Unfortunately, due largely to a miserable general staff and a very poorly trained army, Austria could not bring about a quick end to its attack.  Had the Austro-Serbian war ended in weeks, there would not have been time for Germany, Russia and eventually France and Britain to mobilize.  This might have saved 20,000,000 or so lives, and probably 50,000,000 more in World War II.

And here we are:  The Bush-Cheney aggression, coupled with their incompetence at bringing it to a conclusion in the promised few months, is a very major factor in the madness we see now in the Middle East.  In the great Republican tradition of making messes and leaving Democrats to clean them up, it will now fall to Obama to beat ISIS into submission, while every step that he makes or doesn't make will result in vicious attacks from the Republican party.

In a major foreign policy victory which, since it is Obama's, the mainstream press has totally ignored, Obama's use of minimal military force did in fact force ISIS to stop their advances, and turn instead to the sort of public barbarism which is such a staple of terrorist groups who have little other power.  They killed an American journalist, all right, but they are now running scared of Obama- something Bush and Cheney, with their three trillion dollar aggression never accomplished.

Update:  And just in case you thought I was kidding- it's now an hour or two since I wrote this, and the firestorm has started.

"Fox And Michael Hayden Try To Hold Obama Accountable For ISIS Brutality"

*The German attack on Russia in 1942-1943 certainly was a disaster for the Germans, but I don't count it as a blunder; it was defeated, but not every defeat is a blunder.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Grung_e_Gene said…
Right wingers love when Americans die because they use the corpses to advance their agenda of oppression and hatred.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Yes Anonymous has a point, the truth is coming out, and it startled me, except for the white only signs it looks like the first 6 decades of the previous century. I knew blacks were scrutinized more than whites, but this is hatred by cops, open hate and strong arm intimidation. I went into the military in 68, was the only white guy in a room of 8. Had my ideas completely turned upside down by these 8 gentlemen. Rough talking for sure, but wonderful men, would do anything to help one another including me. Went out with some of them some evenings, just moving about we were stopped from time to time by police, these guys were calm and polite, can't say the same for the cops. It tainted my view of authority, then that faded, now it's back, I see cops as the most dangerous people on the streets now for young blacks. Thats the truth I see emerging.
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Anonymous said…
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Green Eagle said…
A comment from your "moderator:"

You will notice that there are four comments here from "Anonymous" that I have deleted. Usually, I hit the "permanently delete" button so there is no sign of the comments, but I thought I would let you see what a pest he is. I am done playing his game of letting a couple of semi-reasonable comments from him stay up, only to have him get more and more offensive to see how much trolling he can get away with. From now on, anything I can identify as being from him will go as soon as I am somewhere I can delete it.

I have been very resistant to instituting comment moderation, and I still hope this pathetic jerk doesn't force me to do it.
Green Eagle said…
Yellow Fringe: a very nice comment. I guess all of us are stunned by the speed and ferocity with which open racism has returned to this country. Luckily, a very large percentage of these miserable people are quite old, and they don't seem to be having that much luck teaching their children to behave in this manner; otherwise, I'd already be blogging from some other country.
Todd said…
I've not heard of any right wingers rejoicing about the beheading of the reporter.
Republicans couldn't wait til Obama took office so they could blame Bush's mistakes on him. Obama helped that situation by deciding there would be no investigations into the wrongdoings of the Bush administration.
Other countries have declared Bush, Cheney, and other Bush administration officials war criminals, but not America.
Just as I blamed Jerry Ford for pardoning Nixon and stopping justice in its tracks, so I blame Obama for stopping justice in its tracks by refusing to investigate the Bush administration.

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