Impeachment- The Agony and the Ecstasy

In this case, primarily the agony, I guess.  Yes, we are still in the midst of National Impeach Obama Week- the week with two weekends.  I thought I'd just bring you some of the photos graphically demonstrating the fountain of wrath at Obama that is bursting forth in this country.  Ready?  Here we go:

There you go- seven demonstrations, about 30 people (being very generous.)  Compare this to what just happened in Ferguson, where thousands turned out in a single place, without a shred of organizing in advance, despite being threatened by imminent violence from the police.  This would be so laughable if the incredibly small number of people who hold this crazy view didn't include a large part of the Republican members of the House of Representatives.

Well, I'm afraid that these malicious, hate-filled fools are going to get their way soon.  We'll see how it works out for them.


Jerry Critter said…
Did that one sign say "fire the drunk"?

Do they want to,get rid of Boehner too?
Sammy said…
You just defined why your own supposition will be wrong. I could get more protesters to protest using live bait for fishing. Your last line makes sense except they will do what keeps them in office and if 55% of their voters don't agree with impeachment, it won't happen.
Green Eagle said…
70 to 80 percent of voters do not agree with virtually the entire program the Republicans have been advancing the last several decades, but that doesn't stop them. They spend vast amounts of money in propaganda before every election to convince irresponsible voters that they are reasonable, well-meaning people, then in the immediate aftermath of those elections, they push through piggish legislation that no decent person would support. They have done this for election cycle after election cycle, and as long as the Republican-owned press in this country continues to give them cover, they will continue to do so.
Screech said…
That's what has always impressed me about Republicans. In fact, it's the only thing that impresses me about them. They fight. They never give up. They relentlessly fight to maintain their fucked up agenda against the country. No matter the odds. They know full well that 70 to 80 percent of the voters hate their program. They don't care. If it cost them an elected spot now and then, no problem. That happens in war. They fight on, and on. I can't imagine Democrats fighting like that. But god I wish we had some that had that kind of back bone.
Jerry Critter said…
I'd say that 70 to 80 percent of the PEOPLE disagree with republican programs. I bet the percentage of VOTERS that disagree is substantially lower.
Green Eagle said…
The idiot Anonymous links to a video of people who wanted to impeach Bush.

Starting a war of aggression is a high crime of the most vicious sort, and was certainly grounds for impeachment. Obama, despite the constant disgusting fantasies of crazed right wingers, is a totally normal, middle of the road President who has done nothing to deserve impeachment, other than be a Democrat (and of course, being, well, you know what...)
Jerry Critter said…
They impeached Clinton so he is in good company.

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