Question of the Day

Digby:  "Are we really talking about sending children back to hell to appease a bunch of xenophobes?"

Answer:  Yup.


Anonymous said…
How about everyone who supports it must foster 1 if them
Green Eagle said…
How about if all of the 3 trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war should be paid by the right wing warmongers who supported it?

But no,of course, you want to punish liberals for their good impulses, but reward right wingers for their violence and hatred. That's a big part of the reason our country is so screwed up right now.
Magpie said…
The same Right wing warmongers who want to send YOUR children back to hell in Iraq, one might add.
Grung_e_Gene said…
99% tax on the Warmongers and either they or two blood relatives (first cousins at a minimum) must do 3 year long tours?

The fact that Iraq was a MASSIVE disaster and we only ended our involvement 3 years ago and now the same chickenhawk cowards who were responsible are positioned to drop us back into it again is a testament to the US being a failed state.
Anonymous said…
If you don't think this whole thing was a ploy by this admin you may not be living in the real world. The real criminality are the parents of these kids and this admin who put them in harm's way.
Deny it all you want,but look who we are dealing with,the s---stirrer from Chicago.
joseph said…
No, the criminals are those who refuse to help. Some view the opportunity to do righteous things as a gift, some see it as a burden. If there is a God and a judgment day, telling Him that you made sure that children were sent back to live a life a misery might not be the appropriate thing to say.
Anonymous said…
Oh yes 3 countries got together and all planned this due to growing violence. By the way I have a bridge to sell you.
Magpie said…
"a ploy by this admin"

Oh god...

A ploy. A plot. A secret plan. Something devious to achieve some vague aim that they could have done openly anyway, if they even wanted to. Cause that's all they ever do, Right?

Everything is a 'distraction'. Nothing is what it seems. It's all actually lizard people masterminding the NWO from their lunar death star.
Anonymous said…
Some ears have walls
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, let's make this clear: what you are saying is either a paranoid delusion or a malicious lie. Care to let us know which?

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