Death to Obamacare

Just a brief comment, but I'm a little puzzled by the panic over the ruling by a Federal District Court about Obamacare last week.

The court seemed to have decided (by a 2-1 majority, the two justices being of course two more examples of the pollution of our court system by corrupt right wingers) that Obamacare subsidies are only allowed for State exchanges and not the Federal one that exists in those many States whose voters have decided to stab themselves in the back by electing Republicans to run things.

Well, we all know that it is very likely that this ruling will not stand, but what would happen if it did?  The States that voluntarily participated in the Affordable Care Act (the Democratic States) would continue as they are into the foreseeable future, while those States that rejected participation due to spite and political animus (the Republican States) would see millions of their residents stripped of access to health care.  Over a few years, we would see the health status of the two groups of States diverge more and more, with people from Republican States getting sicker and sicker, and paying more and more for whatever scraps of insurance they could afford, while the health status in Democratic States would continue on the upward path initiated by Obamacare.

There's nothing like the possibility of dying to sharpen the focus of people, particularly when that possibility is created for no reason but political advantage. 

We already know that there is a wide divergence between Republican and Democratic States on many issues that affect their residents- education, infrastructure, teen pregnancy rates, infant mortality, etc.  So far, this has not added up to a great enough critical mass to snap the residents of Republican States out of their daze.  But threaten them with a premature death that residents of other States don't face, and maybe finally they will decide who is really on their side.


Jerry Critter said…
Agreed. It further highlights the deficiencies of republican policies.
Anonymous said…
Haven't seen a court this politically slanted since the Warren court.
Green Eagle said…
I see what you are up to, Anonymous, but no one here is going to fall for it. The decision in Bush v. Gore was the single greatest act of judicial corruption in the history of the United States, and one which has caused unbelievable damage to the country; the Citizens United decision is a close second.

The five "conservative," i.e. corrupt Justices on the Supreme court currently are the greatest threat to our continued existence. The Warren court was nothing compared to this.
isaac said…
The Warren court tended to expand the rights of citizens (civil rights, civil liberties, abortion, Miranda warnings, the right not to have prayer shoved down your throat in school, etc.), while the current, Roberts court, wants to expand the rights of government and the powerful. Even if they have to invent those rights (see Hobby Lobby, Citizens United, etc.)
Kevin Robbins said…
Thanks for putting it in perspective, Green Eagle. It's so nice to live in bluest of the blue NY. I would like to trade Cuomo in, but not for Astorino.
Anonymous said…
is this the same court that declared Obamacare a tax after we were told it wasn't?

so it is only politically slanted when it gos the way the left doesn't agree with apparently
Anonymous said…
and good luck with finding a doctor ,moreover a good doctor on the exchanges. Hey but it's free .
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, if only you were on an Obamacare exchange, you could get treatment for your brain damage.
Jerry Critter said…
Time to brush up on your facts, Anon. Your stupid is showing.

The exchanges are for getting health insurance, not doctors, and the insurance is not free. There is a subsidy the size of which is based on your income.
Anonymous said…
and yes the exchanges are for insurance ,but there are different levels of insurances under the same companies. For instance if you have United Health Care obtained through the exchanges many doctors are not taking it.
But if you get United Health Care through your job or privately you have many more choices. One doctor will take United Health Care but not United Health Care under the exchanges.
I know that may be hard to digest but it is 100% correct

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