And Another Little Remark about Zimmerman

Thank you George Zimmerman and your jury, for proving to us that Antonin Scalia and his four right wing fellow travelers on the Supreme Court were so right a couple of weeks ago when they told us that we don't need to do anything about racism, because it doesn't exist any more in America.


Anonymous said…
and let's not forget about him or him and her one of who were killed in self defense
Green Eagle said…
A quick perusal of these three stories reveals the dishonesty so typical of Anonymous' comments.

The first case involves the murder of Joshua Chellew on June 30 of this year. According to accounts:

"The fight between Chellew and his four assailants apparently started over gang identification.

According to the warrant, Chellew flashed blue colors and claimed allegiance to the “Crips” street gang. Three of the suspects were dressed in red, the colors affiliated with the “Crips” longtime rival, the “Bloods.”

A gang killing for which the perpetrators were immediately arrested and charged with murder.

The second case involves the murder of a 13 month old baby, which took place two days ago:

"Sherry West is mourning the murder of her (13 month old baby) Antonio Santiago, who died of a gunshot to the head last Thursday after a botched robbery by two teenagers...

De'Marquis Elkins, 17, is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Police Chief Tobe Green said."

The perpetrators, who were engaged in a robbery attempt were immediately arrested and charged with first degree murder, unlike George Zimmerman, who was not charged for 40 days, and then only reluctantly, for the murder of an unarmed teenager.

The third case took place over a year ago, and involves the killing of Jacqueline Gardner:

"SCHERERVILLE — Three men have been charged with killing 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner and taking the tip money she earned from her restaurant job on May 19 (2012)....

All three were charged with murder and a second count of murder in the perpetration of a robbery...Schererville Police Cmdr. Brian Neyhart said Schererville detectives worked around the clock to solve the homicide..."

The criminals were diligently pursued by the police, arrested, charged with murder, and are in prison awaiting trial in the next few months.

The difference? All of the black defendants were immediately arrested, charged with murder, and will end up in prison (as they should.) The white guy was only charged after immense pressure, and was then let go by a racist jury.

Thanks for helping me to make my point, Anonymous.

Anonymous said…
none of those stories were about self defense. It was cold blooded murder ,none of them were getting their heads smashed into the round and crying or help because they were getting suffocated due to chest compression and a blood filled airway from a bloody broken nose.
Those murders were proven to be done with ill will unlike the Zimmerman case but keep on keeping on with they help fo your president,Holder,Sharpton and Jackson to set race relations back 50 years in this country.
Like I stated tis only went to trial becuse the shit stirrers got involved
Jerry Critter said…
Anon is right about one thing. It went to trial because of public pressure as it should when public officials do not do their job. Too bad they did not also provide competent procecution. There should have been more public pressure.
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, George Zimmerman had been looking for months to find a black person to kill. He stalked an unarmed black teenager and murdered him in cold blood.

That's the truth. You can't deal with the truth, because you are a would-be Zimmerman too, except for the fact that you are so cowardly that you won't even identify yourself online, let alone shoot someone.
Anonymous said…
you are an absolute liar GE. that is total BS and you know it. you should stop spreading lies,it's pretty disgraceful what this has turned into. Zimmerman is not a racist punk. He's an intelligent educated,multi racial educated man who was concerned about his neighborhood who by the way had been robbed t least 12 times in the last year and it wasn't white people ho did the robbing
Anonymous said…
And Trayvon Martin wouldn't have been killed ad he not attacked Zimmerman. This was not a race thing. It was 2 people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not all tragedies are a crime
Jerry Critter said…
There was nothing wrong with what Martin was doing or where he was. There were a lot of things wrong with what Zimmerman was doing and where he was. To say that it was "2 people in the wrong place at the wrong time" is simply not true.
Green Eagle said…
Like I say, Anonymous, you can't handle the truth. What happened is all so obvious- a one man lynch mob decided to kill a black kid and his fellow white people let him get away with it. The real problem is that, for people like you, that's just a dandy way to run a country.
Anonymous said…
ever hear of the drug Lean?
Anonymous said…
There was a witness.Zimmermann is not racist. Get over it dude. If he were killed in Chicago you would not even know his name
Anonymous said…
Zimmerman is Hispanic. Apparently you make assumptions with your finger in your ears. Haven't you been paying attention?
Anonymous said…
FYI Ignoramus's

Martin had long and delinquent wrap sheet .And that even his own Mother kicked him out of the house or that he had recently been arrested for possession of Burglar Tools and Stolen Jewelry.
He was in the morgue for 3 days before his father reported him missing also. Sounds like a little charmer or should I say a 6'2" charmer. By the way Purple lean is made with skittles and Iced Tea. But I am sure you already knew that.
Anonymous said…
Read it and weep
Anonymous said…

homicides between 2005-2010 Black killing Black 16,708 out of 18,048 (92.5%) Black killing White 3,060 White killing Black 1,340 Out of the 40,712 homicides total, 20,097 were committed by a African American. They are 13% of the population but committed half of the murders. Ratio of Black killing White of 2.28 times as many as White Killing Black White makes up 56% of the population, Black makes up 13% of the population In summary, African Americans kill 93% of African Americans. African Americans kill more than twice as many Caucasians as the other way around. When you factor in differences in population African Americans are 9.8 times more like to kill a Caucasian than the other way around.
Shaw Kenawe said…
This same "Anonymous" came to my blog and left the same above comment.

He/she is still at it, trying to convince him/herself and liberal bloggers that Zimmerman was justified in killing an unarmed teen, whom he outweighed, BTW, for giving him a bloody nose.

I gave brave little Anon these STATS to counter what he posted at my blog.
Green Eagle said…
Stats? You answer Anonymous with STATS? And you think that is going to change his mind? No, he is made of sterner stuff than that. He knows what is real and what isn't. If you want him to change his tune, you'd better cough up the cold, hard cash- just like the big payoff he's expecting any day now, for kissing the asses of rich people that wouldn't let him wash their cars.

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