Republican Ass of the Day

Congressman Steve King:

"We went down into the Library of Congress and we found a microfiche there of two newspapers in Hawaii each of which had published the birth of Barack Obama. It would have been awfully hard to fraudulently file the birth notice of Barack Obama being born in Hawaii and get that into our public libraries and that microfiche they keep of all the newspapers published. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some other explanations on how they might’ve announced that by telegram from Kenya."

Yes, that's the explanation of the announcements of Obama's birth in Honolulu papers:  They got a telegram from Kenya claiming that someone was just born in Hawaii and they went right ahead without a second thought and printed it.

This is just one more piece of evidence that Republicans don't really believe a word they are saying, and don't really give a damn whether anyone else does, either.  They are going to run things their way whenever they get the chance, and they are going to say and do anything to prevent anyone else from having a chance to fix the damage that Republican administrations inevitably cause.  At this point, it is crystal clear that their century-old economic schemes produce nothing but disaster, but they don't care as long as the people who pull their strings get to do whatever they want.


Grung_e_Gene said…
You forgot Michele Bachmann's tribute to him, "The Stunning Steve King..."

Personally, I'm disappointed that Iowans love Dog-Fighting.
Anonymous said…
Looks like another wasted day in Obamaville.
Anonymous said…
Gotta love liberals

and how the hate backfires

thanks for all ylur help GE
Green Eagle said…
Once again, Anonymous demonstrates the right's complete inability to deal with the issues by ignoring the contents of my post, and crowing over yesterday's right wing demonstration of hatred of gays.

What happened to those Republicans that were going to focus like a laser on jobs, jobs, jobs, Anonymous? Instead all you guys have is hate, hate, hate; and of course tax cuts for the rich paid for by higher taxes on everyone else. When do you get tired of being a sucker?
Mavelier said…
"Everyone's entitled to their own facts" - some attribute the quote to Ronald Reagan...
Anonymous said…
those people are citizens not members of congress.
How can the Republicans get anything done with the senate and Obama with his big government agenda standing in the way?
Anonymous said…
hmmm I guess Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader is laser focused on Romney and his money and all those evil rich white people.
At least he can't attack Mormonism.
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, How can the Republicans get anything done? They got something done, you jackass- they caused a depression. In fact raping the economy is the only thing Republicans know how to do. Other than spreading malicious lies about anyone that isn't a buttboy to the rich.
Magpie said…
“How can the Republicans get anything done with the senate and Obama with his big government agenda standing in the way?”

Anon asks a pertinent question…. How indeed can the people who didn’t win the vote get anything done when all this pesky democracy keeps getting in their way? Why indeed even have a president unless it is the one you paid for?

As for the senate…. well… my question is to Anonymous:

“Are you suggesting a little Reichstag moment, mein Right ving halfvit?”
Green Eagle said…
Nice response, Magpie.

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