What Happened to the Right Wing Day of Rage?

 This was supposed to be the day when wingnut Patriots would rain down their fury on all fifty State capitols.  

As far as I can tell, they all stayed home and just took a couple extra oxy's instead.

That's your right wing threat.


Update: Some more comment on this subject from my go-to guy on the subject, Dave Niewert, at Daily Kos:

"Not a single person shows up for ‘Million Militia March,’ and state-capital protests fail badly too...

All of the various right-wing “Million”-themed marches that have been organized over the past several years (such as December’s “Million MAGA March”) have fallen well short of the million people they claimed to rally—usually, they number at best in the tens of thousands. But Sunday’s planned “Million Militia March” was a failure of truly epic proportions: It seems no one showed up to march. Not a soul...The situation at most state capitals was roughly the same, despite the plans announced by angry MAGA fans during the week before"

The lesson we can take from this?  These treasonous bastards can be a truly great threat to everything this nation is supposed to stand for, as they proved on January 6th, but at the same time we cannot forget that they are mostly just a bunch of stupid, ignorant jerks who can be counted on to fail and make total fools of themselves at 99% of everything they try to do. How many "million man marches" on the Capitol that end up with about 200 in attendance after massive free promotion from Fox News, right wing hate radio etc. do we have to see before people put this in perspective?  Yes, they are capable of some really hateful violence, and will probably occasionally come through on their threats in the future, but in general they are a pack of suckers being manipulated by rich sociopaths, like the dumb thugs that every movie villain seems to prefer as his tools.  And we all know where those guys end up- in the wood chipper.


Now Am Found! said…
they're bullies. all bullies are cowards. looks like they finally realized they were doing unlawful stuff. afraid to get arrested
Green Eagle said…
And like all bullies, they are totally overwhelmed whenever a bigger bully comes along. And that is really the story of Trump. Of course, when that bigger bully himself is revealed to also be a sniveling coward, they turn on him like sharks in bloody water. That's why I expect a lot of these people to suddenly "remember" in the coming months that they always hated Trump and never supported him for an instance.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

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