Jim Jordan's House District

 With the announcement by Rob Portman that he is retiring from the Senate, there is already a groundswell of support for Republican Congressman and all around pervert Jim Jordan to take his place.  I want to show you how a disgusting subhuman like Jordan gets into the House in the first place.  Here is a map of Jordan's House district:

This district is in Northern Ohio, near Lake Erie, but carefully engineered so that none of the heavily industrial (i.e. Democratic) areas along the lake are in his district.  Also carefully eliminated are Mansfield, Findlay, suburban Cleveland and Columbus, Springfield and just about anywhere else that might vote Democratic.

Gerrymandering at its finest, and it gave us one of the most hateful people in Congress.  That's how Republicans win, folks.

Just remember, no Gerrymandering for Senate seats, and Jordan will have to run in a State that, however Republican it supposedly is, has elected and re-elected one of the best members of the Senate, Sherrod Brown.  Still, this is an abomination that should never be allowed.


Poll P. said…
Guy on FB said this map was drawn by Democrats? (A cousin of mine.)

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