There Was Never Anybody So Screwed in All of History

 Mitch McConnell just came out in favor of impeaching Trump.

Who ever thought we would see that?  As I have been saying the last few days, if the brain damaged idiot had only had the sense to stay in Mar-a-Lago after Christmas and play golf for the last three weeks, none of this would be happening.  Never did a historical figure single-handedly destroy himself so thoroughly.  I'd call it a Greek tragedy except that at this point it is a comedy.

No pity now.  He's like a monster in a movie.  He must be utterly destroyed or we will see his minuscule hand clawing up out of the grave to torment us once more.


Anonymous said…
Maybe a stick through the heart may be appropriate
Infidel753 said…
Damn right there should be no pity. Trump would have been quite happy if last week's mob attack on the capitol had resulted in half of Congress being slaughtered and a crisis that would have enabled him to stay in power (it doesn't work that way, but he's too stupid to know that). His incitement of that event was an attempt to overthrow and destroy the government and establish himself as dictator. A half-assed and bumbling attempt, yes (again, he's stupid), but an attempt nevertheless. This is deadly serious.

And no wonder McConnell has had a change of heart. He knows, now, that Trump would happily have seen him ripped to pieces by thugs as part of a coup. If the mob had gotten to him, he'd be dead now. That kind of realization does tend to produce a reaction.
Green Eagle said…
At least a temporary one, Infidel. He's already remembering what side his bread is buttered on. And you are absolutely right- this was a real coup attempt, just a really stupid one. But going into a bank, shooting a few people, and then having to run before you get the money, is still a crime.

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