Wingnut Wrapup- Kamala Edition

So here is a little sample of the Republicans' early efforts to smear Kamala Harris.  Sort of weak tea at this point, but I am sure they will turn up the viciousness pretty fast, particularly if Michael Cohen's book turns out to live up to its introduction.

Pacific Pundit:  "Crusty rapist Joe Biden likes the smell of Kamala Harris’ umm, hair. The California communist who slept her way to the top of the political ladder will be Joe Biden’s running mate and candidate for Vice President. Now imagine if Biden wins, is too sick to continue shortly into his term and Kamala Harris becomes president… UGH!"

Helpfully illustrated with the following graphic:

Kamala is spreading her legs.  Yes, that's tasteful campaign advertising.  So, get ready for it- this is the level on which the Republicans intend to run their campaign.

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "Ole Grandpa Badfinger has made a choice, and it was more complicated than his usual choice of what flavor of mush he’s having for breakfast. He had to choose a vice-presidential running mate, and as people who are smarter than me about such things have observed, he had no good choices. And yet he still made the crappiest one.

There is the problem of her being totally unlikeable and having called the doddering puppet a racist during the primary, but that’s just politics, right? Also, the Democrats don’t actually care about racism, so when push comes to shove, that fake concern gets shoved."

She is very likable when people get to see her, buddy, as you are about to find out, unlike Trump, who is one of the most detestable people on earth.  She didn't call Biden a racist. Democrats don't care about racism, unlike Republicans, who prove every day how much they care about it.  Another thing Republicans care about: lying.  It's their favorite thing, except for stealing. 

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "On Sean Hannity, civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell slammed Joe Biden's decision to select Kamala Harris as his running mate, saying she was picked, "Because she's a woman and because of her race. That's called affirmative action."

Ooh, affirmative action. Run for cover.  Leah goes on:

"And also the only thing she's truthful about is one thing. She called Joe Biden a racist"

That, of course, is a lie.  In her remarks, she specifically said that she did not think Biden was a racist, but this false claim is everywhere on the right the last few days.

And now for a little Conservative visual analysis:

Bet you got a good laugh when you saw that.  A real knee slapper, huh?  And not one bit racist.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Great Job Democrats, If We Could Have Picked a VP for You, It Would Have Been Kamala Harris...never underestimate Democrats who, upon reaching rock bottom, will ask for an additional shovel."

Brandon goes on to repeat a number of Republican distortions about Harris' record as a prosecutor and California Attorney General, which we are going to be living with from now until election day.  Funny that these law and order Republicans are able to turn on a dime, and blast her for carrying out the law when she was a prosecutor.  Well, maybe they never meant it when they said they were for law and order.  Who knew?

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "The Left Is Already Painting Kamala Harris as a Victim of Sexism"

There those lefties go again, telling the truth.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "Wikileaks Links Document File on Kamala Harris, Liberals Freak Out...But one thing happened yesterday within hours of the choice that hasn’t gotten a lot of press yet, but set liberals teeth on edge.

Wikileaks just linked all the information they had in their system on Kamala Harris.  137 documents from WikiLeaks"

Well, I haven't heard any freaking out yet, have you?  And by the way, I haven't seen Nick or a single other right winger finding a thing to report about in those "137 documents."  However, Nick is already screaming about the possibility that Democrats will point out Wikileaks' role as a tool of the Russians.  So, I will rewrite your headline for you:  "On day Kamala Harris is chosen, the Russians release 137 alleged documents relating to her."

And, problems that Republicans are on the spot to help Democrats with:

Robert Hahn, Red State:  "Left unhandled is what the procedure is if Joe Biden escapes from the basement and they have to issue a Silver Alert on him before the election. Does the Vice Presidential nominee become the Presidential nominee if Joe Biden forgets who he is before November? What if he gets up there and says something like, “I’m Joe Biden and I’m running for United States Senate?” How do we handle that? The obvious answer might be that we name Kamala Harris the Presidential nominee and keep going. But there are more than a few people who might not go along with that, including all the Democratic hopefuls who won more delegates than she did. Not to belabor the point, this could be messy, especially for the Democrats.  Obviously what we need is another Amendment, modeled on the 25th, that spells out what to do if a major political party tries to slip a senile geezer into the White House."

Thanks for the advice, guy.  Now what if one of the parties slips a batshit crazy, racist lunatic into the White House?  Oh, I guess that could never happen.

Target Liberty:  "Joe Biden's pick of Kamala Harris indicates that Hillary Clinton has important influence over the Biden campaign.

Harris is Hillary's girl and it is a typical Hillary move that doesn't make a lot of strategic sense unless you realize that if Susan Rice was picked by Sleepy Joe then the whole Benghazi thing would be in the headlines again. The last thing Hillary wants." 

Hillary made Joe Biden pick Kamala because she was afraid that the Republicans would start up on their Benghazi lies again.  Well, that's a theory.  It's all about Hillary.

"There is nearly nothing to like about Harris other than that she is not Elizabeth Warren or one of the radical lefties...Harris is an opportunistic authoritarian interventionist and that is what libertarians should point out. Whether she is male, female or even if she is a transgender albino midget should have nothing to do with it."

Whoever that person is they are describing, sounds like they would fit right in with the Republican party.

And now a little more Conservative humor:

That should really hit home with the voters, huh?

Eric Trump:  "Harris was a whorendous pick."  

From the ever erudite and oh so genteel son of the President. 

Daniel John Sobieski, American Thinker:  "Kamala Harris is a dangerous and malevolent political opportunist who doesn’t belong in the same zip code as the White House...a corrupt and dangerous fraud who sees laws and powers only as means to punish her enemies, pursue her agenda, and get elected."

More Republican blaming the victim, with an almost dead-on description of their own President.

And then there is going to be this racist bullshit for the next three months, as Trump himself is now pushing it, so get ready for it:

Gary M. Wilmott, American Thinker:  "Is Kamala Harris eligible to be Joe Biden's VP?  Is Kamala Harris a natural born citizen?

...not so fast.  Harris is constitutionally ineligible to be VPOTUS (12th Amendment) or POTUS (Article 2).  She is not — nor can she ever be — a natural born citizen, the highest standard of citizenship mandated by the Constitution for the president and commander-in-chief.  The Founding Fathers wanted a higher standard of citizenship for the POTUS because they did not want any competing allegiances with foreign governments."

We all know there is no definition of "natural born citizen," because it has never been adjudicated in the legal system.  This is just more Republican smoke to enrage their base.

"Harris was born in Oakland, California on October 20, 1964, to an Indian citizen mother and a Jamaican citizen father.  Thus, Harris is a native-born American citizen, or a citizen pursuant to what I refer to as the anchor baby provision of the 14th Amendment.

Clearly, Kamala Harris has no respect for the Constitution.  Her lack of transparency regarding her background combined with her naked political ambition is an affront to all law-abiding citizens and those who seek to uphold the Constitution."

I particularly liked the part about  "Founding Fathers wanted a higher standard of citizenship for the POTUS because they did not want any competing allegiances with foreign governments."  If we have learned anything the last four years, it is that you can be a natural born citizen and still have competing allegiances with foreign governments.

And here's one I haven't heard yet:

World Net Daily:  "Harris 'directly responsible for persecution' of undercover pro-life journalists"

I think that should be "prosecution," and I think there should be quotation marks around the word "journalists."  And who were they?

"David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress released more than a dozen videos showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing getting paid for the body parts of unborn children."

They were prosecuted for having edited the videos and then distributed them to create an entirely false and libelous impression.  The Center for Medical Progress, founded by Daleiden, was so dishonest in this case that it was awarded the 2016 Media Matters Misinformer of the Year award.  Here's a sample of their "investigative reporting:"

"last November some of the more gruesome facts that arose from court testimony.  One is that "abortionists intentionally rip out hearts from babies while they’re still means that the baby hearts that are being sold to biomedical companies ... have to be harvested from the chest of living babies."

Well, I doubt that anyone who falls for that would have voted for Biden anyway, so it's just more right wing garbage.

So, in essence, we have the Republicans trying to blame Harris for being a radical Communist out to destroy the United States, and at the same time a right wing cop lover that no Progressive could ever vote for.  As well as being a whore and a tool of the monster Hillary.  Not much of a consistent message there, guys.  Maybe you need to link her to the Satanic baby eating ring too.


Infidel753 said…
Eric Trump: "Harris was a whorendous pick."

Garbage like this quote and that first graphic need to be circulated as widely as possible, especially among those suburban women voters everyone keeps talking about. The Republicans are going to nuke themselves in the foot with this stuff.
Mostly.A.Cynic said…
Insidious quotes from Right Wing pundits pretty much explains who they are and have been for a long time and will be forever

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