Green Eagle's Republican Convention Review

 Green Eagle, who is toughened up to this sort of thing, listened to day one of the Republican Convention so you don't have to.

So, what was it like?  If you took the last ten Wingnut Wrapups and read them out loud, you'd have it.  Every Republican lie you ever heard in one gigantic heap.

At least I think I can predict that this turgid crap is not going to swing a single vote.  That's the best thing that can be said about it.  


Isaac said…
I had a few takeaways from the first night of the Republican trainwreck.

One is that if the night was supposed to be "diversity night," it was an utter failure. There were a handful of token black men speaking. Where were the Asian Americans, Latinos and so on?
How if it was to showcase "diversity" in the GOP, all they could find was three or four black guys lost in a sea of white guys? Where were any women of color (Nikki Haley doesn't count)?

There was a decided lack of GOP luminaries there endorsing the Lyin' King. Where was GW Bush and/or Dick Cheney? People from and directly tied to the Trump family sure didn't cut it.

How far can they go with the "remember how great the economy used to be (until Trump screwed it up)?

The "law and order' shtick juxtaposed with another unarmed black men murdered by police can't be helping their message. It's sure not playing well with black guys like me.

There was the whole fiasco with Natalie Hart, who went on about how super fantastic Twitler is at health care, not mentioning that nutsack pushed getting rid of the Affordable Care Act during a deadly dangerous pandemic. It played for huge laughs in my house when she pulled that bit about It's A Wonderful Life and wanted to imagine what the world would be like without Donald Trump. Also, she was not identified on camera as a Trump campaign advisory board member.

And there's more, but I'll leave it at that.

No doubt there will be more fuel for the fire after tonight.
Green Eagle said…
And the highlight of the evening, the screaming fit from somebody's girlfriend, that is destined to produce one of the great cold opens for Saturday Night Live.

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