Impeach the Bastard, Already

John Lewis: "When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, you have a moral obligation to say something, to do something.” 

Donald Trump, by his own admission, is engaging in open, pervasive and deliberate attempts on every front to rig the 2020 election.

This is by any definition a high crime against the United States.  His individual actions, such as deliberately wrecking the post office to limit Democratic votes, are also crimes, and an existential threat to what is left of democratic government in the United States.  

It is Congress' responsibility to the nation, not an optional exercise, to do what it can to remove this person from his position, regardless of whether his corrupt party can frustrate that action.  It is not an optional choice; it is their duty.  

So, do your duty and get on with Trump's second impeachment.  The nation's survival is at risk.


bt1138 said…
Lucky for us, these guys are all totally incompetent.

At the rate this is going, there's going to be a giant backlash and the postal service will end up with more political capital than ever and the long-running GOP plan to gut the USPS will be dealt a heavy blow.

At this point, whatever Trump tries to do, the opposite occurs.

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