Because Of Course He Was


We hear today that Steve Bannon was just arrested for conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering, in connection with a multimillion dollar extortion of wingnut suckers who contributed money to supposedly build Trump's wall, but instead contributed to Steve and his friends.

They say don't judge a book by its cover, but in this case, I think it's pretty safe.

From Daily Kos, the following amusing story:

"The indictment is in conjunction with “We Build the Wall,” a private organization supposedly raising donations to build Donald Trump’s wall along the southern border. Also indicted were We Build the Wall frontman Brian Kolfage, serial fraudster Andrew Badolato, and real estate broker Timothy Shea."

And just to compound the fun, there's this, which I learned from Atrios:

"Kris Kobach is the general counsel of the Build the Wall PAC that Steve Bannon was just arrested for being involved in as chairman. The advisory board includes Erik Prince, former CO congressman Tom Tancredo, Sheriff Dave Clarke and former pitcher Curt Schilling."

A whole raft of familiar names, huh?  I said a few days ago that I could not imagine Trump making it to November without more huge embarrassments.  Well, here is the first one; more major players in Trump's election, including perhaps the biggest one of all, indicted. How long before the pardons  start flying around the country?

And a little addendum:  From Phillip Bump at the Washington Post:  "Each of the three people who led Trump’s 2016 campaign has now faced criminal charges"

Because of course they were.


seafury said…
As my magat co workers and inlaws would say YEAH BUT...........

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