Get Ready for a New Holiday

From the website of the Impeach Obama Week people, this posting:

"November 1, 2014 

We did not have a regular impeach Obama protest on the weekend of November 1, because it was the weekend of Remembrance Day for the victims of illegal aliens. This event was for Robert Rosas, who was murdered five years ago by a gang of drug smugglers for his night vision glasses. He was guarding the border near Campo, CA."
I am sure that one of the first acts of the new Republican Senate will be to make Remembrance Day for the Victims of Illegal Aliens an official national holiday- probably replacing Martin Luther King day.

No word for when they will take up action on the Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Koch Brothers.


Jerry Critter said…
"No word for when they will take up action on the Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Koch Brothers."

Let's hope it is election day 2016.
I read the case, it does not say for sure the drug gang came for night vision glasses, rather it says they took those, as well as his gun after shooting him during a struggle. What is clear in the case is these were not people trying to get into this country, but drug smugglers, another form of destructive business activity in this case unlike the Ollie North drug smugglers using CIA planes to deliver drugs to California, these deliver over land, to fill a market demand. Aliens so far as I know are not killing border agents. It was a tragedy that this group uses as it's adhesive, all 17 of them.

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