The Greatest Ever Commander Speaks!

Greater than Caesar! Greater than Napoleon! Greater than Nobunaga or Hideyoshi! Greater than Alexander! Greater than Genghis Khan! That would be this guy, according to today's declaration of war against the United States and South Korea- a fat, petulant 29 year old with exactly zero military experience: As they say: "They should clearly know that in the era of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the greatest-ever commander, all things are different from what they used to be in the past." Okay, here is what is really going on behind this ridiculous bluster: North Korea is a country that keeps its entire population in near starvation while it devotes practically all of its resources to its military. Anyone with the slightest experience with dictators knows perfectly well that a large part of those resources are siphoned off into the pockets of top-level politicians and military leaders. Kim himself is said to have five billion stashed overseas. ...