Global Warming- "Teach the Controversy"

Oh yes, to listen to the idiots on the right and most of the mainstream press, there is tremendous scientific controversy about the reality of man made global warming.  Well, here, thanks to what I am sure was a very painful slog through all 13,950 (!) peer reviewed scientific papers on the subject that were published between 1991 and 2012, is a wonderful graphic presentation of that "controversy."

Yes, a grand total of one sixth of one percent of the papers questioned the facts on global warming.  If the recent Presidential election had been that lopsided, Mitt Romney would have gotten about 204,000 votes out of 120 million cast.  Which, in fact, is about what he would have gotten, if the mainstream press told the truth about the lies Republicans tell about subjects like global warming, and the price we will all have to pay if this pandering to energy companies isn't stopped.

Thanks to Desmog Blog, and James Lawrence Powell for carrying out a difficult task that wouldn't even be necessary in a country run by decent people.


It is amazing that deniers pretend that scientist from all over the world, from nations that don't get along, from scientist in different fields, that this group of people trained not to believe things until it can be proven, would be able to perpetuate for years such a complex hoax. In our extended family is a physicist working for NASA on global warming specifically on ice melt, permafrost and peat fires. HIs office in NYC. They were hectored so much the sign was taken off the building, and they had to put a guard in the lobby to keep out threatening dingbats. Science is under attack and the crazies are egged on by business and reichwing media.
Only 24 papers have ever been published that show some aspect of global warming observation does not agree with the wider trend. Focused on a particular event or data set, 24 were found to be valid. But please know that none unravel the findings of the 13,950 other findings. For if one did, the GOP, Massey, BP, & Kochs would have had it printed and mailed to every house in the nation. The sceptics claim thousands of papers published, what they do is write articles for small town papers, for "for profit" magazines, on blogs, for right wing media, and more and more for the mainstream media who have no one and no interest in vetting these pieces as they lay off and dumb down reporting staff. These articles don't stand up, are often written by people uneducated in the field, rely on doubt and reuse false info off the internet. No review is needed, no facts, just get us something for December.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Actually, GE, the controversy is between,

God did it.


Satan did it.

No need for further inquiry...
Green Eagle said…
Satan comes from where it is really hot, as I've been told, so I guess it must have been him.
BB-Idaho said…
These contrived controversies must be the stock in trade of FoxNews: the Benghazi 'scandal'...
Green Eagle said…
BB, it's all they have. Don't you think the right has spent untold man-hours and God knows how much money trying to find some real thing that Obama did wrong? They can't so they resort to their endless series of phony scandals confident (quite correctly, I'm afraid) that every one of them convinces some people.

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