The Republican Spiral Down To Hell Continues

Please listen to this, maybe a couple of times (it's only 15 seconds long) and tell me what you think Rick Santorum was trying to say here:

And it's only April.  As time marches on toward November, God only knows what they will stoop to.


Jerry Critter said…
Well, what do you expect? It is Santorum after all.
Poll P. said…
"America was a source for division around the world." that ws the best save he could come up with?
Anonymous said…
OH yes we can always tell who the disciples of the left are. "Look here,don't' look there",watch this ,don't watch that." "Listen to this,don't listen to that"
Anything to distract from the inept divider in Chief we have in the White House.
Green Eagle said…
What, Anonymous, you mean the Government Nig in the White House?
Dave Dubya said…
Yeah, why can't Obama be a uniter, not a divider, like the "Decider" was?

Something is very different about that guy...
Grung_e_Gene said…
Sick Ranotrum meant to attack women's vaginas by calling President Obama a Government Vag---, but got caught up with his racism and started saying Nig---.
jadedj said…
Give the man some slack. My thought is, he meant to say knickers, or knicker, which would be half of a knickers.
Green Eagle said…
Or maybe just knic, which would (I presume) be a quarter of a knickers. That's right, yeah, that's what he meant.

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