The Stupidity (Or the Lying) Knows No End

Michelle Bachmann:

"There is reports that have come out that Cuba has been working with another terrorist organization called Hezbollah. And Hezbollah is looking at wanting to be part of missile sites in Iran and, of course, when you are 90 miles offshore from Florida, you don't want to entertain the prospect of hosting bases or sites where Hezbollah could have training camps or perhaps have missile sites or weapons sites in Cuba."

Hezbollah missile sites in Cuba.  I just don't even know where to begin.   Truth, honesty, they just mean absolutely nothing when they stand in the way of what these infantile, tantrum throwing people want.  And thanks to Obama and the Democrats' failure when they had majorities in both houses of Congress, these people seem to be in control of our country.


Cardinal44 said…
She must have just seen X-Men: First Class. She'll be railing against the mutant menace next week.
Dave Dubya said…
She lives in a cartoon world. I would love to see her on the ballot. Come to think of it, any of that bunch of clowns would be entertaining.
Magpie said…
“another terrorist organization called Hezbollah”

Yeah we know who Hezbollah are, Michelle…

You, on the other hand, first heard about them sometime between Scooby Doo and the Bible Class last Sunday, didn’t you Michelle?

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