Green Eagle Supports a Charity

It's not every day that Green Eagle finds a charity so amazing, so revolutionary that he will take time out from his squawking to bring it to your attention, but today is the day, and here is this worthy cause:

Now, doesnt this make you feel all good inside about the benevolence of the American people?


Anonymous said…
Very funny!
mastercynic said…
But it's a cookbook!
mastercynic said…
Oh, and Glenn Beck is doing a children's show - it doesn't have a title yet. How about The Harvest?
Green Eagle said…
So, Mastercynic, how about those Red Sox?
mastercynic said…
Red Sox doesn't make as good a title, but could be an allusion to the the future?
Grung_e_Gene said…
Glenn Beck, declared the murdered Norwegian children
"sounds a little like the Hitler Youth. I mean, who does a camp for kids that’s all about politics? Disturbing.”

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