Harmful to Whom?

"Vatican: Comprehensive sex ed in NYC schools is ‘useless and even harmful’

Harmful to whom?  Catholic priests hoping to get lucky?


Grung_e_Gene said…
god sends hurricanes to kill people because of what we do with our bodies...
Magpie said…
I'm sorry... but who gives a fuck what the Vatican thinks?

Either child rapist or professional virgin... they'd be the last people in the world from whom I'd accept advice about parenting and education.
Anonymous said…
Fox News is now giving advise for parents. Fox News' resident psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow has advised parents to not allow their youngsters to watch Dancing With The Stars this season. Why? Because Chaz Bono is slated to be a participant.
Watching Chaz, according to Dr. Ablow, could skew the sexual identities of America's youth.

As if.

One can call Chaz Bono a star no more than they can call Bristal Palin one. She was a contestant last year on the same show.

Dr. Ablow and no one on the Fox staff warned against the evils of this young woman as role model then, even though the one fact that most people knew about her, aside from having that idiotic mother, was that she had been an unwed mother...not that I have a problem with unwed mothers as role models...but you would think that Fox would.

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