Pretty Much The Story

From Digby, who sums up the situation in Washington today:

"The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans on entitlements comes down to this: Democratic elites want to pretend that they are asking for equal sacrifice from rich, middle class and poor alike so that they can assuage their consciences for inflicting pain on the more vulnerable members of society. Republican elites have no such need --- they enjoy inflicting pain on the more vulnerable members of society. "

That's about it today.  With the election of Obama, we now have a choice between the guy who rapes you at knifepoint in the street and the guy who feeds you drinks and then claims you wanted it.

I am getting to the point where I don't even see much point in bothering to fight a useless battle any more.  No one who has any power is on our side any more, and it pretty much looks to me like the nation is ready to commit suicide.  The people of Germany in 1933 used to seem so crazy to me.  Now they seem just like Americans.  Oh, we don't go for the uniforms and the flags, no. Can't be bothered with that.  Our voters are ready to buy into the fascism without even the decoration. 


Jerry Critter said…
The game has been rigged so that no matter which side wins, the rulers still control.

You have to change the game.

Let me use war as an example. No body can beat us in a conventional war. You know, one with lots of men, planes, ships, and bombs. So what happened? Our enemies changed the war. Look at the effect of a few men and a couple of planes.

In no way am I suggesting that war is the solution. I am simply using it as an example of changing the game.

We cannot fight them at their own game. We need to change to game.
Anonymous said…
If it comes to that who will be the scapegoat? They'll need one. A good old fashioned scapegoat could nicely bond Americans and give them an identity. It worked in Germany and it could work here too.

What is lacking in this equation is a leader. I cannot imagine Romney or Perry rousing people in the way that Hitler did, though I can think of at least two groups that they might target from within as the enemy.
Dave Dubya said…
This is where the hippies had it right. The Establishment was the problem. Turn on, tune in and drop out makes more sense today than ever. Time to starve the real beast and expand an alternative economy and system of trade apart from the usual corporate lock down.

This will require some serious shock to stimulate the consciousness expansion. We gotta wake up somehow.
Poll P. said…
I agree with you all.

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