Another Step to Doomsday

Some of you may have heard about a speech Andrew Breitbart gave the other day in which he pretty much advocated mass violence against liberals.  Here are a couple of excerpts from an article about Breitbart's speech (the first from a conservative source which agreed with him and which I won't link to, the others just quotes from Breitbart himself.)  Please take the time to read them:

"Conservative media provocateur Andrew Breitbart, speaking to a Tea Party crowd of over 60 people in Lexington, Ma. on Friday...told the crowd that he sometimes thinks to himself, “Fire the first shot” in a hypothetical civil war with liberals, explaining that “We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns.  Bring it on. Because I know who’s on our side. They can only win a rhetorical and propaganda war. They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns.  I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with.

“There’s just a part of me that wants them to walk over that line.”

Well, when I read this, I thought of a couple of incidents recently.  The first was Rick Perry's bragging at a "debate" at the Reagan library, about how many people he had executed, which produced sustained cheering from the right wing crowd, and the other was from another Republican debate:

"The audience Monday night’s CNN Tea Party Express Republican primary debate was eager to see the death of a hypothetical man who was in a coma and also did not have health care insurance.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer posed this question to Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul: “A healthy young, 30-year-old man has a good job, makes a good living but decides, ‘You know what? I’m not going to spend $200 or $300 a month on health insurance because I’m healthy, I don’t need it.’ But something terrible happens, all the sudden he needs it. What’s going to happen if he goes into a coma? Who pays for that?”

“What he should do is whatever he wants to do,” Paul replied. “That’s what freedom is all about, taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to prepare to take care of everybody…”

“Are you saying society should just let him die?” Blitzer asked.

The audience responded with shouts of “Yes!”

Well, you should know by now that when numerous right wing characters suddenly begin pushing similar ideas, it is virtually never a coincidence.  Here's what occurs to me:  the right wing surge in this country is entering a new and very ugly phase.  Confident that, with a corrupt Supreme Court, a seditious party in Congress and a compliant press, they have completely defused the Democrats, they are now preparing their followers to accept violence as a legitimate political tactic, the way Reagan induced them to adopt greed as a Christian virtue.  A monumental taboo is being violated here- the leaders of the right are, I believe, consciously spreading the notion that they are justified in slaughtering liberals to get what they want.

My historical clock tells me that we are about where Germany was in 1922 or 1923.  A serious disruption in our economy, which many Republicans seem to be deliberately trying to provoke, could have us in a state not too different from Germany in 1933 if nothing stops them.  This is a game with stakes way higher than most people ever thought we would be playing; most people can't believe such a thing even now.  Call me a fool if you want; that is where I believe we are today.


Jean Valjean said…
I believe you, and I am terrified. They're the zombies in the zombie movie, and we're the poor suckers stuck in the mall.
Magpie said…
“we have the guns”….

If I said to you “look I’ve got a gun” with the clear implication of using it on you – that’s a crime. I’ve made a threat on your life. I could go to jail for that.

Even with 70% Murdoch control of media here, if you were a public figure and you said something like that… your career and reputation would instantly be at an end. Your support base would evaporate within minutes of that hitting the morning news.
For real. I’m not just being optimistic. That’s what would happen.
Because no-one wants to live in the same neighbourhood as that kind of dickhead. It’s as simple as that.

I was thinking the other day, after I’d had an unpleasant exchange with a right-winger elsewhere:
If you are the only liberal in a crowded room, you will discover that the only person there who actually loves their country is you.
They all want to kill their countrymen, or get their countrymen killed by foreigners, or let someone die, or execute someone.

It’s just kill die kill. That’s the sum output of their political thought.
Green Eagle said…

You're right. What scares me is the seemingly deliberate attempt by right wing figures to desensitize their followers to the horrible evil of killing your opponents to get political power. Sorry, but that sort of behavior is reminiscent of 1920's Germany, and not just on the part of the Nazis, but from other right wing groups too, like the Steel Helmets and the National Front.
Dave Dubya said…
American fascists have been emboldened by the corporate, institutional, and racial esentment of Obama. We knew they would be coming out ot the woodwork after the '08 election. But did we realize how enabling the corporate media would become?

Amerikaner Fascsim is now the greatest global, as well as national, threat to freedom and democracy.
Green Eagle said…
"Amerikaner Fascsim is now the greatest global, as well as national, threat to freedom and democracy."

Truer words were never spoken.

Sad to say.
Lucy said…
You are not foolish. It's a very ugly phase that seems to be gaining momentum. The level of hate, greed and stupidity in the country is frightening.
Commander Zaius said…
Just a few weeks ago Jimmy Hoffa Jr. called republicans a few nasty names and the conservatives hacks at Fox fell over themselves in shock and disgust at his words.

Now Breitbart openly talks about killing liberals and that they have all the guns allowing them to do the job and none of the slimeballs al Fox mention it once.

As someone who daily works around Teabaggers and hears them talking whenever any of their dear pundits starts talking this "Kill all the liberals" it does get them all riled up.

I fully expect political violence to come to this country and the Becks, Breitbarts, and Limbaughs will excuse it all no matter who gets hurt.

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