Wingnut Wrapup

I've been out of town for a few days.  Like termites, the wingnuts didn't have the decency to take the day off, so time to start clearing the backlog of idiocy:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Obama is Ruining My Vacation...President Obama is feeling the love in Martha's Vineyard, but not like he used to. O'Reilly Factor producer Jesse Watters took a stroll around the 'posh' island to see how people really feel about Obama vacationing there. One woman goes as far as saying he is ruining her vacation..."

Katie Pavlich of Fox News managed to find one person on Martha's Vineyard that didn't like Obama being on vacation.  That will surely provide material for a hundred or so web posts.  Katie, you know whose vacation Obama really ruined?  Moammar Gaddafi's.  Why don't you go ask Gaddafi how he feels about it today?

John Hawkins, Town Hall:  "7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World"

Well, I couldn't be bothered to read this article, but let me guess:  they just don't know how to properly remove an Arab dictator.  It doesn't count unless there's lots more killing, and lots more profit for multinational corporations. 

And now, Even If You Do What We Demand, It's a Failure:

Debra J. Saunders, Town Hall:  "President Barack Obama is in a pickle. Immigration enforcement actually is working...Under the Obama administration, the government has removed almost 400,000 illegal immigrants annually. That's 4 percent of the 10 million illegal immigrants estimated to be living in America -- and it sends a warning to those thinking of illegally entering the United States.

So what did the White House announce last week? On Thursday, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Cecilia Munoz blogged that the Department of Homeland Security will review its entire deportation caseload -- that's 300,000 cases -- to "clear out low-priority" cases and "make more room to deport people who have been convicted of crimes or pose a security risk."

Yes, Obama has actually strongly cut illegal immigration, something Republicans have screamed about for years but never did.  But because he is having people concentrate at the same time on cases that pose a national security risk (something else the Repubicans can't quit screaming about) his success is actually a gigantic failure.  Got that logic?  No?  Here's a little more help understanding this point of view:

Newsmax:  "Republicans are attacking President Barack Obama for acting like a "king that is above the law" in deciding to pick and choose which illegal aliens to deport."

In other news. "Republicans Attack Police Chief for Spending More Resources Catching Murderers than Jaywalkers"  Really, this country is mentally ill.

Rich Galen, Town Hall:  "No one in the Obama Administration was hanging a "Mission Accomplished" sign in front of the White House yesterday"

Rich, how can I break this to you gently?  Mission Accomplished signs are sort of a Republican thing.

Eleanor Vaughan, Town Hall:  "Time to Privatize Nuclear Waste Management...Americans know their nation is facing many disquieting problems: high unemployment, a government debt spiraling out of control, and a recently downgraded credit rating, to name but a few."

And the perfect answer to all of that:  Turning an almost intractable technical problem over to the same people that brought us the financial collapse of 2008, and our current for-profit medical system.  That'll work.  And by the way, kudos to the Republicans for once again coming up with a totally original solution to one of our nation's problems:  letting corporations take the opportunity to make some money pretending to deal with things.  Guys, you are always thinking about what is best for the country.

Craig Steiner, Town Hall:  "The Clinton Surplus Myth"

Yes, even though budget records show a $238 billion dollar surplus at the end of Clinton's term, it NEVER REALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!!   LA LA LA LA LA, MY FINGERS ARE IN MY EARS AND I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!  AND OBAMA DIDN'T GET BIN LADEN EITHER, AND ROOSEVELT CAUSED THE DEPRESSION AND BLOW JOB BLOW JOB BLOW JOB!!!!!  There, ready to give in now?

And let's turn to a nice example of the conservatives' constant attempt to blame everything wrong with Bush on Obama:

Bob Owens, Confederate Yankee:  "Vacation + Presidency = Vacancy...Like OJ chasing the "real killers" of his wife and Ron Goldman across the golf courses and country clubs of America, Barack Obama is chasing economic recovery from one vacation hotspot to another as the economy falters."

Bush, of course, spent a third of his presidency on "vacation;" a term which translates to the time his body and not just his brain was AWOL*, most of it at his phony "ranch," pretending to be a cowboy while staying as far away from those scary horses as he could.  People all over the wingnut blogosphere are attacking Obama today for taking a vacation at the same time that he witnesses the fruition of his efforts to eliminate one of the world's worst dictators.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Earthquake Rattles Washington DC – Obama Goes Biking"

And what, exactly, was he supposed to do, Jim?  As far as I can tell, the earthquake caused no injuries and no reported damage.   Maybe he needs to hold a national day of prayer and fasting or something, to beg God for forgiveness and troll for campaign contributions.  That's what , say, Rick Perry or Sarah Palin would do.  It doesn't show leadership when you let an opportunity go to waste.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Catholic Leaders Upset With New Obamacare Mandate That Forces Religious Groups to Violate Church Tenets"

Like what tenets?  Maybe Obamacare would make it illegal for priests to rape children?  Man, it makes me sick to hear Catholic "leaders" talk about "violating Church tenets."  It's no wonder that religion and hypocrisy are so inseparable in popular opinion.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Jon Voight Slams Palestinian Terror"

I just can't find words to explain how little I care about what Jon Voight thinks about anything.  On we go.

Newsmax:  "Many Republicans oppose the healthcare law passed last year. And for presidential candidate Herman Cain, a cancer survivor, it’s personal. "If Obamacare had been fully implemented when I caught cancer, I'd be dead," the businessman said at a campaign event Thursday in Lexington, S.C., reports The Hill.  “I was able to go to the doctors I wanted to as fast as they could do the tests."

Because under Obamacare, Herman Cain would be forbidden to pay for his own doctor.  Oh he wouldn't- he's just a big fat liar.  How unexpected.

World Net Daily:  "MARICOPA COUNTY, Ariz. – At the request of tea-party leaders in Arizona, famed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has agreed to examine evidence challenging the validity of Barack Obama's purported long-form birth certificate in a determination of the president's eligibility for the 2012 election ballot."

Well, how nice.  We always turn constitutional issues over to some county sheriff to decide, right?  I'm sure Joe's opinion will carry a lot of weight.

World Net Daily:  "Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming?"

No.  God, how can anyone listen to these lunatics about anything?

Rick Moran, American Thinker:  "Have we fallen for rebel propaganda in Libya?  This fight is not over yet and the premature celebrations by Democrats and the left may come back to haunt them if the war drags on."

Well, you right wingers can keep on hoping, huh?  Nothing like the possible resurgence of a dictator to make you feel all happy inside.

Lloyd Marcus, American Thinker:  "Are the Black Flash Mob Attacks on Whites Obama's Fault?"

Of course they are.  Everything is.  Particularly any black person who commits a crime anywhere.  That's definitely Obama's fault.


Hallelujah, the promised land is here at last!  It just stuns me that anyone on earth can see this as a bad thing.

And let's finish off with the hands-down winner of the most disgusting blog post of the day:

Astute Bloggers:  "Homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals...Neanderthals mated with early humans, according to research.   Interbreeding between the two species between 65,000 and 90,000 years ago... It was established last year that a small part of the human genome can be traced back to Neanderthals.

Here's a descendent of this inter-breeding who herself also mated with a half-breed:

And these assholes whine like a bunch of babies every time anyone says anything about them.  I hope people who see this understand the true depravity of the forces we are up against.  I do not believe any of us would have believed, a few years ago, that things like this would be considered acceptable to a large segment of the country.  We are on a road to hell, and it will be a miracle if we can turn things around at this point.   

And just to add insult to injury, don't you just love the part about referring to the President of the United States a "half-breed?"

But, of course, don't you dare call things like this racism.  That would make YOU the racist.

The Germans had the sense never to vote Hitler into office.  I guess even that pathetic degree of rationality is beyond the United States today.

*As we know, one thing Bush really was an expert on was going AWOL.


Poll P. said…
The last item took my breath away. Sick, evil, ignorant (and proud of it) bastards.
Magpie said…
"7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World"

-They’ve seen more of it and been further than the local Burger King.
-They know it isn’t flat.
-They know it is more than 6000 years old.
-They know that pollution is bad for it.
-They knew it wouldn’t end in a Biblical apocalypse earlier this year.
-They know gay people aren’t going to destroy it either.
-They can locate their own country on a map of it.

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