A note on the current, predictable, Republican tantrum, from Daily Kos:

"You knew this was coming.

Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene this weekend, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) today stood by his call that no more money be allocated for disaster relief unless it is offset by spending cuts elsewhere.[...]

Meanwhile, FEMA is having to divert funding that was earmarked to "rebuild roads, schools and other structures destroyed during spring tornadoes in Joplin, Mo., and Southern states" to pay for hurricane relief."

And hooray for FEMA.  If the voters in Southern States continue to elect these corrupt jackasses, let them be the ones to do without disaster relief.  Let them pay, as far as is possible, for having voted based on their greed and hatred, and based on which politician promises to cut their taxes the most, and let us all stand by and see where it gets them.

This is exactly why I believe we should let these ignorant, malicious fools go.  Let them have their own country.  Let them lose the funding from blue States that keeps them afloat.  Let them pay for their own defense, their own roads, their own education; let them elect whatever mendacious, corrupt clown panders the most to their ignorance and their overwhelming desire to pay nothing to maintain this country; and we can wait twenty or thirty years and see what kind of a rotten, bankrupt, evil society they end up living in.  That will be a treat.


Jerry Critter said…
Agreed. They should go no more money back from the government than they pay in taxes. We have been subsidizing them long enough.
Dave Dubya said…
It's time for the Union to secede from the Confederacy.
Anonymous said…
Today is the 56th anniversary of the murder of Emmett Till, a 14 year old black boy who was abducted and murdered by white men for whistling at a white woman in Mississippi in 1955. Though this has little to do with FEMA, it has everything to do with why the voters in the Southern States already live in a "rotten evil society" and have for a very long time.

Green Eagle said…
I have often said that the worst thing that ever happened in the entire history of the United States is when the North won the Civil War. We should have freed ourselves of the burden of supporting the malignant, ignorant, morally bankrupt White southern society when we had the chance.
Magpie said…
There's a series of alternate history novels by Harry Turtledove that proceed from the premise that the Confederacy won and continued into the 20th century.
The result is genocide, trench warfare and eventually strategic bombing in North America.
Be thankful the Right can only boast that this is still a work in progress.
Green Eagle said…
What I think would have happened is that the Southern black slaves, who outnumbered the whites in large areas, would have gotten tired of their status really fast, and without the industrial capacity of the North, the whites would have found themselves on the short end of the stick pretty fast. Today, I think, we would have a few third world countries in that area which resembled Haiti or Guatemala, while the rest of us would be living in a "European style" industrial democracy whose biggest problem would be one more source of illegal immigration from the third-world South.
Poll P. said…
Man! Is this interesting. Good comments, all.

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