Michelle Bachmann Makes A Fool of Herself Again

Remember Michelle Bachmann confusing John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy?  Well, she's at it again:

"Michele Bachmann gave Elvis Presley, whose songs she uses at her events, happy birthday wishes today while she was in Spartanburg, S.C.

Unfortunately, today's the 34th anniversary of the day he died."

Your Republican party today- their two frontrunners are a secession-touting religious maniac and a woman who is demonstrably both insane and ignorant.


Anonymous said…
Dave Dubya said…
The Rightists love to curtsy and bow to the memory of Elvis the Icon. After all, like Rush “Sanctity-Of-Marriage” Limbaugh, he was the wholesome antithesis to those immoral drug addled hippies that ruined everything, right?
Grung_e_Gene said…
Bachmann obviously has a Romney plant in her campaign team feeding her these colossal blunders because no one as smart as she could say these things if she had spent anytime living in the real world.

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