Wingnut Wrapup

Writers on the right have been so hateful lately, that it's hard to take any pleasure in recording their disgusting maunderings, but here's a sample from the last week or so.

Unfortunately, I feel the need to start off today with a few of the sick wingnut reactions to the slaughter of over ninety people in Norway last week by a Christian fundamentalist right winger, whose writings indicated that he was heavily influenced by American right wing hate-bloggers.  Needless to say, this is a small sample:

Tim Dunkin, Renew America:  "the Left is really, ultimately, responsible for creating the conditions that led to Breivik's massacring of 69 children at Utoya Island and 8 government officials in Oslo. The Left is simply too efficient at what it does..."

I have written frequently about the absolute inability of conservatives to take any responsibility for their behavior.  I guess this is an all too typical example.

Monte Kugliowski, Renew America:   "Liberals have been waiting since 9/11 for a deranged killer they could call a "fundamentalist Christian terrorist."

The left wing press would have us believe that conservatism produces killers. And, for purposes of moral equivalence, the establishment press would have us believe that Breivik is a "fundamentalist Christian."

Yes, Monte, we have been waiting for a fundamentalist Christian terrorist.  Not in anticipation as you imply, but in fear.  Well, we're still waiting, because we know there are going to be more.  Thanks for helping the deranged among us to find a target for their hatred.

Pam "Don't Blame Me" Geller, Atlas Shrugs:  "I have refrained from running the absolutely breathtaking evil messages I have been receiving in my email box and comments section after the Norway massacre. 

Here is an email I just received, along with just a few of the hundreds (if not thousands) I have gotten over the course of the past week:

    From:     Crawford Robert
        Subject:     Enjoy, Pammy
        Date:     August 1, 2011 10:32:01 AM EDT
        To:     Pamela Geller

    This one's for you, douchebag."

Man, that must have hurt poor Pammy's feelings.  Pam had thirteen of her blogs quoted in the "manifesto" of the Norwegian killer.  However, it is far more evil to call her a douchebag.  Man, all I can say is that those of us on the left sure don't seem to have much skill in writing evil messages.

And while we're reading Pammy,

"Summer Camp? Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center...Glen Beck was not far off when he compared it to the Hitlerjugend or Young Pioneers."

Yes indeed, the murderer struck a mighty blow against the new Hitlers, at their summer camp.  Funny that Pammy is so reluctant to take the credit she is due for inspiring him.  Just modest, I guess.

Well, enough of this garbage.  On to some of the other right wing ravings from the last few days:

Thomas Sowell, Town Hall:  "Theodore Roosevelt said that his foreign policy was to speak softly and carry a big stick. Barack Obama's foreign policy in Libya has been to speak loudly and carry a little stick."

Well, that beats Bush in Iraq, who shot his mouth off every day, and carried a dildo:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Yes, climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the beginning of Earth. Apparently, Texas used to be attached to Antarctica.

Texas and sub-zero Antarctica were linked 1.1 billion years ago, long before the supercontinent Pangaea formed, scientists said Monday.

The forecast for Texas today? Hot. Not like Antarctica. Quite the change!

Get over it, Al Gore."

Yes, you read that right.  Texas was linked to Antarctica a billion years ago, so the fact that it is suffering endless heat and drought today means nothing!  Nothing, I tell you!

Town Hall:  "Earthquake: Perry to Announce Presidential Bid On Saturday"

Earthquakes- apparently not the major force we thought they were.

Bob Owens, Confederate Yankee:  "How many times have we heard it said that Mr. Obama is the smartest president ever?     I don't buy it. I just think the president isn't very bright."

Let me translate this for you:  Barack Obama was a top student at the world's most prestigious law school, but he is really dumb.  How does Bob know this?  Well, isn't it obvious?  Okay, here's a hint:  It has to do with the "N" word.  Get it now?

Roger Simon, Pajamas Media:  "Dow Down 500: Should Obama Resign?"

Dow up 429 the next day.  What now, Roger?  By the way, how much complaining did you do when George Bush's economic policies sliced about 5,000 points off the Dow, or how much cheering did you do when Obama swiftly put 80% of those points back?  Oh, I see...that was different.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) called for Obama’s impeachment this week. Burgess said, “The longer we allow the damage to continue unchecked, the worse things are going to be for us.”

Of course, under further questioning, Rep. Burgess was unable to recall a single offense that Obama had committed to earn impeachment, but so what?  He is a Democrat after all, and don't ever forget that "N" word thing we were talking about a minute ago.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Report: Soros Made $10 Billion on S&P Downgrade Bet"

The vicious bastard.  Here's some more information from the article Jim relied on for this massive story:

"A mystery investor reportedly made $10 billion on the S&P downgrade bet that the US would lose its AAA credit rating...But a source with knowledge of the firm said Soros was not involved in the rumoured trade and questioned whether in fact there had been such a trade at all. "

Oh, so (1) there is no real evidence that this alleged event took place at all and (2) if it did happen, there is no evidence of any kind that Soros had anything to do with it.  What's almost hilarious is that Hoft brazenly left this information in the final section of the article he quoted, but still published it under the headline  above.  I say almost hilarious because it would be funny if it didn't reveal one more time the utter contempt for the truth that enables right wingers to persist in their malignant delusions.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Obama spoke today. The Dow plummetted 634 points.  Investors desperately looked for safe places to put their money and settled on U.S. government debt — even though it was the target of the downgrade Friday, when S&P removed the United States from its list of the lowest-risk countries.

Today was the 6th worst slide in history."

Jim didn't mention the other five.  Here they are:

1     2008-09-29    
2     2008-10-15    
3     2001-09-17    
4     2008-12-01    
5     2008-10-09    

I'll leave it to you historians out there to determine who was President when those happened.  Jim didn't see fit to save any of his vitriol for him, whoever he was.

Washington Times:  "Markets to Obama: shut up"

That was yesterday.  Today, I guess the markets are saying, "Okay, Barack, you can start talking again."

Bryan Fischer, Renew America:  "Gov. Perry and 2012: It's his for the taking"

This week.  This is after it was Donald Trump's for the taking, and then Mike Huckabee's for the taking, and then Haley Barbour's and then Newt Gingrich's and then Michelle Backmann's, etc.  At the rate things are going, next week it will probably be that guy with the gun in Norway's for the taking.

Well, we haven't heard from Sher Zieve lately.  Time for a dose of her deep understanding of contemporary American politics:

Sher Zieve, Renew America:  "Obama is a destroyer par excellence and may, in the end and assuming we do not rid ourselves of him, end up surpassing even Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin or Mao Zedong. We know he is already brimming with pride over his accomplishments, as we see it in his growing smile — one that is beginning to oddly resemble a Narcissistic and condescending sneer as his eyes become even more sinister.

Obama has destroyed our health care system. Obama is in the process of removing our Bill of Rights. Obama has stolen trillions of our dollars and sent them overseas...some to locations and entities that still remain secret.

It has, also, now been revealed that the Obama syndicate and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel has a 'business relationship.'

Well, not much to say about that, is there?  We'll just leave Sher to ruminate on her unfortunately far from unique (among the wingnuts) grasp of current events.

World Net Daily Exclusive:  "Largest U.S. union behind Mideast riots?"

That's right- it's obvious that Arabs are too stupid and vicious to want freedom for themselves- the AFL-CIO is behind all of it.  Makes sense, now that World Net Daily pointed it out, right?

World Net Daily:  "Palin raps Obama for debt downgrade..Says prez lacks 'even a notion of how to deal' with fiscal issues facing country"

Really? Sorry to be blunt, but who gives a flying fuck what Sarah Palin "thinks" about anything?

Oh Boy, oh boy, real news at last:

World Net Daily  "VANISHED!  American blond beauty disappears in Aruba...Brand-new case raises mysterious ghost of Natalee Holloway"

Blonde beauty disappears!  Finally, something worth covering on Fox and CNN.  Hold on to your hats- this is going to be a BIIIIG story!

Well, we've finally got to the real news, so let's call it quits for today.  See you soon!


Anonymous said…
Katy Pavlich and Michelle Bachmann seem to have similar mindsets regarding global warming.

Thanks GE for another inspired shredding.
Green Eagle said…
Shredding? You want shredding? Check out our friend Howie:

Now, that's shredding.
Grung_e_Gene said…
The Norway Massacre has been an interesting case study in right wing paranoia and evil. On the one side they want to distance themselves from the murders but on the other they want to acknowledge his actions as good because he took out the right people.

So you get this demonizing of the murdered kids as Hitler Youth while ignoring they gruesome murders and they get to tag this guy as a lone wholly unconnected to their bigoted rants gunman, while cherishing his terrorism.

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