Wingnut Wrapup

 I haven't posted one of these in quite a while.  I've mentioned that they have pretty much committed themselves to their unchanging hate-filled agenda, so there isn't much new to report on this front.  And so much of that is now part of mainstream Republican ideology that I feel that I am not giving the subject its proper importance by crediting this nonsense only to wingnuts.  Still, best to check in once in a while, just to remind ourselves how utterly sickening these people are, and how absurd it is to think that any line of reasoning could talk them out of their crusade to destroy everything this country is supposed to be about.  Wingnut Wrapup is hardly a warning at this point; it's much more a countdown to armageddon.  Well, here goes- not too much today, because, really, who needs it...

"Libtards Have Destroyed America"

Talk about projection.  No comment needed. 

"Woman Coughing And Throwing Up Synthetic Biological Creatures, She Feels Them Under Her Skin And In Her Brain, And She Sees Them In Her Stool Too!! Watch Creature Wiggle In Astounding Footage!!"

This has something to do with Covid vaccines, of course. 

"It’s Show Time!"

Funny how they are obsessed with seeing this as some sort of movie.  What a pathetic lack of experience and understanding they have.  Their ignorance is killing us.

"All countries were on High Alert."

About what, I am not sure, but you had better spend more time worrying about it.

"There were 1.4 billion humans expected to die from the vaccines (Bio-weapon Attack) and the death counts chaos has already started."

"Expected by whom, I can't say.  Neither could they.

"Something Big was Coming. All the right people are scared, very scared. It’s Show Time!"

More movie bullshit.  And note that all the "right" people are scared.  And the Republicans damned well intend to keep them that way.

“Let’s finish what we started. Are you ready?”…The Donald

What you started?  You mean destroying this country with the open collaboration of foreign dictators and seventy million of our own citizens? 

"Trump Is Still The Commander In Chief & We’re Closer Than You Think….White Hats (Q)"

Heard that one before?  They are like broken records these days.  No matter how many times their predictions turn out to be hollow lies, they just change the dates and march on.

"Inside the Pentagon top Generals were waiting for the perfect moment to strike and arrest treasonous Deep State spies in their Military ranks and government."

Sure they are.  Oh well, at least they are not outside waiting to be killed by Ukrainian snipers like their counterparts in the Republicans' closest ally, Russia.

"Sam Walton was a CIA Agent – the Heinrich Himmler of the US – who was setting up FEMA Concentration Camps at his WalMart stores across the nation."

Sam Walton.  Sure he was.  Doesn't take much to make someone their enemy.

"Putin Checkmates Banking Cabal, Russians Know They’re Fighting the Satanic NWO...Vladimir Putin has been quietly building a “New” New World Order that doesn’t include a world government or the Luciferian Banking Cabal and the vast majority of countries are already signing up.

I did a deep-dive into Russian Social Media and found that the Russians are fully aware that they are fighting the Satanic New World Order, that this battle is Biblical, that Putin’s working with Trump and that their side is backed by God Almighty."

"A deep dive into Russian social media," which is so known for being an objective news source, unaffected by any sort of government pressure.  I do buy their notion, however, that Putin and Trump are working together, or at least that Trump is a toady of Putin, since that has been clear since 2016.  The only thing that is still a mystery is why Trump was not executed as a traitor years ago. 

"The Deep State fiat US Dollar was beginning to be worthless and could no longer be used for International Trade. Banks around the world were being shut down."

Another patent lie which anyone could disprove in five minutes, but it is still good enough for Trump voters.  You can't discuss issues with someone who has an absolute contempt for the truth, and actually far prefers patent lies. These people are lost to decent society until the day they die.  We cannot change them.  All we can do is try to prevent them from generating more like themselves until they are gone.

"The Zimbabwe Bond was also being purchased, proceeds of which could only be redeemed at a Redemption Center and used for humanitarian purposes."

If you need a single example to demonstrate how deranged these people are,  here they are, trusting the currency of Zimbabwe rather than the U.S. dollar.  Just for our own amusement, here is a comment on the economic condition of Zimbabwe:

"Zimbabwe’s economic freedom score is 33.1, making its economy the 173rd freest in the 2022 Index. Zimbabwe is ranked 46th among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is below the regional and world averages.

Over the past five years, Zimbabwe’s economic growth declined from 2017 through 2019, contracted in 2020, but saw an uptick in 2021. Economic freedom shrank further during the same half-decade. Driven lower by significant decreases in scores for monetary freedom and trade freedom, Zimbabwe has recorded a sharp 10.9-point overall loss of economic freedom since 2017 and has sunk lower in the “Repressed” category. The rule of law, regulatory efficiency, and open markets are weak, and the trade regime especially has worsened."

That's reassuring.  I am sure wingnuts are absolutely right when they predict that investors will take their money out of dollars and into the currency of Zimbabwe.  It only makes sense, right? 

"Throughout the world China is currently positioning their Military Warships in over 60 countries"

They'd better, considering the condition of those "military warships."  Otherwise they will all break down before the US has a chance to blow them to shreds.

"Biden was deliberately weakening US Military soldiers by enforcing the vaccines, knowing well that soldiers and military will be divided in a perfect time for China to strike and cause chaos through shipping stoppage and energy crisis."

Was that before or after he joined Hillary for a luncheon of dead babies? 

"These important Chess Moves happening had to happen. The White Hats have taken a step backward in order for the enemy to use up their final moves and energy. Then the Strike happens."

Well, the "White Hats" are certainly taking a step backwards.  On the evolutionary scale.  And now, a brief sample of the right wing response to the utter devastation of the Durham prosecution of Hillary et. al. for who knows what.  Right wingers have been predicting for years that the insane Durham investigation is going to bring down Biden, Obama, and every other Democrat.  After three years and $40 million dollars down the drain, Durham came up with a single prosecution, of a lawyer named Sussman, who nobody had ever heard about before Durham dredged him up, for some pathetic, minor supposed crime utterly unrelated to Durham's core claims, and even that was just rejected unanimously by a jury.  But don't despair:

"The U.S. military on Sunday arrested former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on charges of treason, only a week after a Washington, DC, federal jury found him “not guilty” of lying to the FBI about President Donald J. Trump and Russia.

Sussmann’s federal case centered around his 2016 meeting with James Baker, a pal of the FBI’s special counsel, with whom Sussmann shared unfounded rumors and specious lies meant to derail Trump’s bid for the presidency. Sussmann was charged and faced trial, but was exonerated of criminal maleficence following six hours of jury deliberation.

“The trial was a sham from the start. We knew they’d never convict one of their own, but we waited to see the result,” a JAG source told Real Raw News.

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps alleges Sussmann took bribes in exchange for fabricating stories about Trump, the Trump Organization, and Russia—all of which involved the now debunked “Russian collusion” scandal.

At 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning an unknown number of Special Forces operatives stealthily approached the residence from the beachfront side of the property, where they reportedly encountered three bodyguards armed with semi-automatic rifles. Our source said Special Forces surprised and subdued Sussmann’s security, and coaxed from them keys to the house and codes to the alarm system.

They found Sussmann asleep in bed, but he awoke and struggled as a soldier tried to bind him with zip ties.

“You can’t do this to me. I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. I’m a lawyer,” Sussmann reportedly blurted while flailing his legs at the soldier.

The soldier struck Sussmann on the temple with the butt of his rifle, knocking him unconscious."

The only American response to a recently acquitted defendant asserting his right is to knock him unconscious with a rifle butt.  And don't be tempted to write this off as a joke- this Gestapo-like behavior is exactly what the country is going to get if the Republicans ever take full control of the US again.  The gloves are off, and anyone who can't face reality at this point is a fool. 

"Are China & Russia Planning To Invade The U.S. & Occupy North America? - Just Informed News"

Well, are they?  Maybe.

Kash Patel: "More Durham Indictments! BOMBSHELL New Clinton Investigation! Will Bill & Hillary Face Murder Charges?"

The Clinton Crime Syndicate was involved in the murder of JFK Junior. That's the claim.  Because of course.  Kash Patel, who rose to prominence as an aide to Devin "mad cow" Nunes, is spending his entire life trying to come in second to Donald Trump as the biggest liar in America.

Breaking: Dems Scramble to Hide Death of Former Clinton Advisor While Launching More Jan 6th Propaganda!

A Clinton advisor committed suicide, 22 years after Bill Clinton left office.  Enough reason to make the totally false claim that Democrats are "scrambling" or doing anything else about this.  I'm just surprised they aren't claiming that Hillary ate him.

"Deep State Finally Ready To Try To Wow Us With Jan. 6th! Sham Clan Lie Fest! Coming Soon!"

Preparing their base to follow orders and believe what they are told.   

And let's not leave today without our obligatory dose of anti-Semitism, since that has become such a major element of Republican thought these days:

"Revisionist Historians for World Peace:  "THE FINAL WORLD WAR: Khazarians vs. the Rus’ People...NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL OF THE KHAZARIAN TRIBE"

 "Revisionist Historians for World Peace..."  An exceptionally trustworthy source of information, I am sure.  Actually, they turn out to be nothing but one more paid front for people pushing the standard lies about Israel and the Jews, such as:

"The Khazarian Mafia, especially, is as vicious and malicious, repugnant and malevolent, vile and wicked, vengeful and vindictive as any horde to have raped, pillaged and plundered the Earth and her peoples...fully responsible for all of their heinous crime sprees committed against the human race over the centuries.  The many genocidal cataclysms perpetrated throughout the 20th century and right up to today would be properly laid at their feet. (See the abridged list that follows.)

The Armenian Genocide,

World War I,

Bolshevik Revolution,

Spanish Flu Pandemic,

The Great Depression,

Holodomor Genocide,

Chinese Civil War,

World War II,

Korean War,

The Holocaust,

Chinese Cultural Revolution,

Vietnam War,

Cambodian Genocide,

Rwandan Genocide,

Iraq War,

9/11 Terrorist Attacks,

The War on Terror,

Afghanistan War,

Syrian War,

Libyan War,

Ukraine War,

& COVID-19 Pandemic

all have one thing in common— the Khazarian Tribe."

All caused by the Jews.  The Rwandan genocide, the Vietnam war, the Spanish flu, the Chinese civil war, and on and on.  Sad to say, millions of our fellow Americans seem to be primed to accept such hate filled nonsense. 

And let's just go out with a sage remark by Jim Hoft, the Stupidest Man on the Internet:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  “A Well-Orchestrated and Highly Produced Lie” – Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown Releases Moving Statement from His Prison Cell on Same Day of Regime’s Kangaroo Committee Nightly Broadcast" 

"Political prisoner,"  i.e. treasonous criminal.  Never heard of a kangaroo committee before- maybe that would have been a good term for the Republicans' Benghazi lie-fest, or the  equally malignant smears of Hillary Clinton.  

Anyway, as I said above, just a taste here to remind you that, no matter what we learn out here in the world of reality, nothing can stop the right from fabricating this nonsense every single day.


Mostly.A.Cynic said…
Strange how the Q's whine about the "deep state" but in the made up story when Sussman is arrested by the military and when Sussman protests he gets rifle butted to the head but that's not "deep state" tactics it's justice right? A strange world out there in Q land
Green Eagle said…
I do find these sick fantasies interesting- what possible purpose can these hateful tales serve? And the frightening thing is, we will never know how many people believe them when they read them.

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