A Day In The Life

 Maybe you will find this amusing.  This is a sample- only a sample- of the content found on one day's posting from one of the leading right wing blog aggregators.  How can we hope to influence the thinking of the millions that are bombarded with this sort of thing every day of their lives?


This Is Trump's Trap! [They] Took The Bait! Pelosi, Schumer & The FBI Staged Jan. 6 & Trump Caught Them All!

What bait?  What trap?  Pelosi and Schumer staged January 6th?  In what universe.  And he caught them by being revealed once again to be a monstrous criminal?  That's interesting.

Did Trump & Barr Just Trap The Jan. 6 Unselect Committee Hearing?

No, but that's what conservatives are saying.  They actually believe the committee hearings are part of some sort of nineteen dimensional chess game that Trump and Barr are winning by being proven to be massive criminals.  An interesting concept.

Situation Update: "The Storm" Has Hit!! Witch Hunt Committee Made Huge Mistake!!

"The Storm" has "hit" every week for the last three years.  Not the real storms, caused by global warming and getting worse and worse every year, no.  The Trump storm, i.e. (to be blunt) fascism.


Tom Hanks (in Drag) Snuff Film Described in Horrific Graphic Detail, and Hanks' Military Tribunal and Execution Detailed by Military Personnel

This story has it all… how a talented actor was involved in the dark world of child abuse and human trafficking… was one of the first military arrests… was executed and replaced with a clone, who is now dying a quickening death.

Tom Hanks Strange Glove Image Connects Researchers To Darkweb Child Human Trafficking!! Tom Hanks may very well be incarcerated at GITMO or even, executed.

Same old bullshit.


Don’t miss one of the top news stories of our times at O.N.E. News! JFK Jr Will Be First President Of The NESARA Compliant United States

A dead person.  A dead person will be the head of their government. 


A Nurse Describes the Awful Moment She Realised the Vaccine Was Mass Murder

Judy Mikovits Shocks the World: Most Damning COVID Evidence Bombshell the World Has Seen (Video)

A Horrific New Revelation for the First Time of the Dangers Faced by All Who Take the COVID Bio-Weapon Vaccine

Same old lies, day after day. 


All Evidence Suggests Joe Biden Is A Pedophile - When Will We Bring Him To Justice?  Recently, the information that the illegitimate man in the People’s White House, Joe Biden, is pointed out to be a pedophile. For those of us who have been paying attention, it was painfully obvious that the sniffer-and-groper-in-chief is obsessed with children.

When will "we" bring him to "justice?" I'll tell you when.  If the Republicans take back the House this fall, Biden, Kamala Harris and the three remaining honest Supreme Court justices are going to all be impeached.  This will not only be an act of revenge for the Democrats' absolutely justified impeachments of Trump, but will serve the greater Republican purpose of absolutely discrediting any attempt to hold Republican leaders to account in the future for their criminality, reducing this constitutional remedy to nothing but partisan politics in the eyes of their voters.  A win-win for the fascists.


Ben Fulford Superhot Intel: Khazarian Mafia “Biden” Regime Falls, New Putin Works For Alliance

Biden is controlled by the Jews.  Putin is our savior. Of course.


X22Report: Deep State Lost In Ukraine! Parallel System Is Now Emerging! Patriots Set Everything In Motion! 

Brought to you by one Henry Schlanger: 

Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization.

The LaRouche organization.  Who even knew they still existed?  I wonder if they have admitted yet that Lyndon LaRouche is dead. 

As the only war in history to be fought against its own side, Ukraine’s war will be remembered.

God in heaven above. They will believe anything, as long as it is a loathsome lie.

There are reasons for surrender and there are reasons to keep fighting long after you’ve lost.

The first and main reason is to achieve the best outcome for your country.

The second is because you are clinically insane.

The second has prevailed in Ukraine.

There will be total annhilation of that country which seems like fate in retrospect as it is the birthplace of the fake Jews who have brought nothing but destruction to the world for Millenia.

So maybe there is method in the madness and divine justice.

It presages I believe also the downfall of western civilization which has given succour to these fake Jews way past their use by date and so will suffer a similar fate.

Russia will become the new west which it has always been anyway to those not stupid enough to fall for the divisive narrative of the fake Jews, which caused all European wars for the past 500 years.

It's all about the Jews, because of course it is, and Putin is the world's greatest hero for fighting the Jews. 

Humanity is greater than the fake Jews, who are demons.

Humanity has a special mark.

Humanity has a special soul.

Humanity has a divine destiny, free of fake Jews



Several US Marines Killed While Apprehending Deepstate Villain in Military Aircraft Crash!   Several U.S. Marines on a clandestine assignment to arrest a prominent Deep State lawmaker were tragically killed last Wednesday when their OV-22 Osprey, a military aircraft with a somewhat checkered history, plunged from the sky and erupted in a colossal fireball. The mainstream media and the criminal Biden regime labeled the crash “an accident still under investigation,” but the White Hat vanguard of the U.S. military believes the crash was an act of Deep State sabotage.

An Osprey crashed in the California desert a few days ago.  Of course it was shot down by the deep state. 


Who even thought they could dredge this up as an issue at this point? 

Nicotine vs DARPA Mind Control. Nicotine Blocks the Blood Brain Barrier. Biden Blocks Nicotine. Biden is Going to War with Smokers. Dramatic Nicotine Reduction. Biden Signs Budget, Gives All Nicotine Authority to FDA...THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS:


Or Can Nicotine Reverse or Bypass Damaged Neutral Pathways from mRNA Nano-Bots or DARPA Brain Manipulation Technologies Used for Mind Control?

You need to smoke to protect yourself against deep state mind control, and to counter the evil effects of the Covid vaccine. 

Biden’s war on smoking: Administration plans to introduce new rules slashing amount of nicotine in cigarettes to ‘nonaddictive’ levels. This would include all nicotine products such as Vape and Chewing Tobacco


Cutting tobacco use is an evil Democratic plot.  I wonder who paid to get this story into a major right wing aggregator? 


Situation Update: Global Genocide In Progress! Global Food & Fuel Crisis! Ukraine Bioweapons Labs Reveal Human Experimentation! Pentagon Funding Scam! Wars Could Spread To Me & China! Markets Are Dropping! - We The People News

Be afraid..be very afraid. 


Khazarian Empire Exposed - Hang Rothschild Gates Un Gitmo Rock Fellers Black Rock - Mel K & Fly Over Conservatives Dig: The Smart City Track & Trace Great Reset Slavery Agenda 6-14-22 - Booster Cov19 - Safe and Effective - What One Dose of This Kill Shot Can Do to You: This Lady Has it Bad

Like I said, huh?

Anyway, how can we expect one shred of the truth to penetrate this wall of garbage?  Hint: we can't.  The seventy million people who act based on "information" like this are lost to decent society forever.  And they give the Republican party a virtually unsurmountable advantage in any election that we are likely to see for the rest of our lives.  Have a nice day. 


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