Wingnut Wrapup

President of the United States Donald J. Trump: “Every day it’s something else, who cares” And yes, that is a real quotation. I must say that it is getting hard to write these wrapups lately, because the stupid jackassery that I report on here is coming directly from the President and the Republican party these days, and it is only going to get worse between now and November. I want to dedicate this edition of Wingnut Wrapup to Donald Trump and the Republican party for telling one of the most malicious yet ludicrous lies ever, in their claim that the Democrats left the words "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance during their convention. At this point, anyone who claims that devout Catholic Joe Biden hates God, but Donald Trump, who has shown complete contempt for anything Christ ever said is a good Christian, is a very sick human being. Donald Trump: "We achieved together and what we’re doing together is nothing short of an e...