Wingnut Wrapup

For a few days there, it seemed like the wingnuts had fallen into a deep depression.  They didn't even seem to have the energy to come up with new lies, and were just repeating the same old boring ones.  Well, I guess inspired by Donald Trump's campaign of unprovoked violence against protesters, they seem to be snapping out of it, and are all of a sudden trying to make up for their recent failure.  So, there's a lot today, although once again, there is much more I didn't get to.

Before it's News:  "Engineered Llama Antibodies Neutralize COVID-19 Virus"

Amazing.  And the answer was right in front of us the whole time.

Before it's News:  "Find Out Who This Snake Messiah Is Who The Jews Worship And Who The Jews Are Expecting To Arrive Very Soon To Set Up Their New Jew World Order. Great Video!"

And to think that Green Eagle, who regards himself as fairly well informed, never knew that Jews worship a snake.  I'll tell you what: Given what the "Judeo-Christian" God has steered the world into, I think the snake might have done better. 

Well, at least Jews don't worship a toad.

"The book is now one of the very few that is forbidden in the entire world for people to buy and read."

Gee, I can't understand why.

Larry O'Connor, Town Hall:  "Trump: The Incumbent Outsider"

See, he's been President for almost four years, but he still is a man of the people with no contamination from Washington politicians.  Just like him being a rich predator who steals from children with cancer, and the working man's friend at the same time.

John Stossel, Town Hall:  "Too Much Faith in Models"

Is this going to be a story about Donald Trump's dating history?

Michaela Burrow, Town Hall:  "U.S. Withdraws from Five Military Bases in Afghanistan"

A free gift to Vladimir Putin described in the article as "bringing peace" to Afghanistan.  The peace that comes when one dictator controls everything.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Defends Armed McCloskey Family Against the Mob"

And how did he defend them?  By telling Katie this:

"They were going to be beat up badly if they were lucky. If they were lucky. They were going be beat up badly and the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down"

A complete lie, of course, which both Trump and Katie knew perfectly well.  The demonstrators were never a threat to the McCloskey house or to them personally.  But when you don't have any real left wing violence to speak about, you just have to make some up.  Look what is happening in Portland.

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "What's Behind the Left's Insane Push to Blame Trump for the Riots?"

The facts, Tyler.  Something you wouldn't understand.

Before it's News:  "The CDC has been operating as a criminal agency inside the United States for a very long time...I promise you, Mr. President, if you send a hundred FBI agents into the CDC and remove millions of their files as evidence, you’ll discover this federal agency is entirely corrupt, and has been for decades.  Sending in the FBI to seize records, indicting and prosecuting hundreds, at the very least, of their employees and top executives, and cutting the agency off from any input whatsoever concerning COVID, would mark a tremendous service to the nation.

The economic war against the American people is backed up and justified by massively fraudulent data and fake science.  A MAJOR source of that data-cascade emanates like putrid swamp water from the CDC.

Take them out, Mr. President."

This is the "news" that forty percent of the country is getting.  The Centers for Disease Control are nothing but a criminal gang.  Donald Trump, on the other hand, is as honest a man as ever lived.

Before it's News:  "Adrenochrome in Hollywood | 800,000 Children Missing a Year"

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, there are 800,000 cases of missing children in the United States every year.  Apparently every one of them was eaten by movie stars.  In fact, only 115 of those cases on average are children taken by strangers.  So I guess those Hollywood movie stars are pretty much only eating their own children, which should be a relief to everyone in America who doesn't live in Malibu.

Joe Cunningham, Red State:  "Donald Trump Booted Brad Parscale, but It Is Not Enough"

Of course not.  It won't be enough until he boots himself and the entire rest of the Republican party.  Well, at least he is working on it.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Trump Goes Full Master Troll In Response to Goya Boycott Nonsense"

Because that is what they hired him for.  Not to solve the nation's problems.  To be a troll.  To own the libs.  Screw all the rest of it.  It's just fine for him to advertise a product while sitting in the Oval Office, in return for financial support from the company's owners.  Selling the Presidency to the highest bidder- just what the founding fathers had in mind.

And now, how about some Conservative humor?

A little less funny than it might be, seeing as how he is a racist, liar, fascist and buffoon, but there you go.

Sister Toldjah, Red State:  "Watch the Look on Chuck Todd’s Face as MSNBC’s Katy Tur Morphs Into a Democratic Spokesperson on Live TV"

Funny he never had that "look" on his face in years, as he invited endless Republican shills on his program to lie to him and the American people.  That was what he was paid for. 

Robert Spencer, PJ Media:  "Iran Imprisons Christians, Then Showcases Book on U.S. 'Islamophobia'

An article by one of the most notorious anti-Islamic hate spreaders in the world, but just fine with PJ Media, which will not, by the way, have any articles about about the US imprisoning Muslims and then its leader blabbing endlessly about how Christians are persecuted.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "TGP’s Joe Hoft “The Man Who First Exposed the COVID-19 Hoax” says NY Gov Cuomo “Should be Investigated and Looked at for Murder” on Infowars (VIDEO)"

Joe Hoft!  Writing a "news report" on...Joe Hoft! and something he said on Infowars!  And he is “The Man Who First Exposed the COVID-19 Hoax!"  And every word of the report is true, I promise you!  Joe Hoft, the brother of Jim Hoft, who founded Gateway Pundit, who is widely known as "the Stupidest Man on the Internet."  And also as one of the biggest liars on earth.  Joe Hoft, who surely did not get his job writing for one of the most widely read right wing lie factories in the world, just because he is Jim Hoft's brother, no.  Joe Hoft, who writes the news about himself.

Lisa Haven, Restricted Republic:  "Emergency: Pelosi Says She’s Removing Trump & Making Herself President Under COG Martial Law"

Did Nancy Pelosi say that?  Of course not.  But so what?

Dennis Prager, Town Hall:  "The Dehumanization of Blacks"

Carried out entirely, of course, by liberals:

"If you take black and white left-wing rhetoric seriously, blacks are not human beings like members of other races."

God, I hate Dennis Prager, the most disgusting, vile excuse for a Conservative thinker the world has ever seen.   And that may include Hitler.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  Should Conservatives Prepare for Civil War?  Liberals hate us. Conservatives have yet to reach the levels of hatred our enemies have for us. It's maddeningly annoying that, to this day, there are still a few on the right-leaning spectrum of politics who think we can still be friendly with these liberal vermin."

We don't hate liberals, no, they are just disease ridden subhuman animals.  When we exterminate them it is just out of love for our white kids.

"The Marxists are here, folks. Fix bayonets. Dare I say, forget about being decent and fair. It gets you nowhere if you lose. Conservatives need to be willing to do anything to win this election."

And they are, too.  Just don't forget, doing anything to keep power is not "winning an election," it is destroying democracy.  They aren't done talking about civil war at Town Hall today, however:

Mark Nuckols, Town Hall:  "What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like...I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. And the costs in blood will be heavy. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives.  This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor."

And how will this civil war occur?

"In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists...The shock troops will come from the ranks of Antifa and radical anti-white elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. These fascist stormtroopers will be augmented by the even larger numbers of veterans of Occupy and other far-left movements. And jihadists from across the globe will flock to support this coup."

Mark goes on and on, but I guess that is enough for now.  Just a note:  I had never heard of this guy, but Town Hall proudly announces that "Mark Nuckols teaches law and business in Moscow."

Ellie Bufkin, Town Hall:  "The Polls Say One Thing, America Says Another...the unscientific survey of America – the real America, the one outside of the bubble of politics and rhetoric – tells an entirely different story."

The unscientific survey, i.e. the one Ellie just made up.  But, whatever they need to get out of bed in the morning at this point, I guess.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "The Utter Gaslighting by Media About ‘Unidentified’ Feds Detaining ‘Protesters,’ ‘Trump Occupation’

Don't like the utter face of fascism your administration is showing?  Just lie about it.  Claim that these armed thugs all have uniforms that clearly show who they are, despite hundreds of pictures showing that they don't, and claim that kidnapping innocent people is just standard police procedure.  Well, at least Nick can fairly claim this about his second statement:  It may not be standard police procedure yet, but apparently it soon will be.

Streiff, Red State:  "President Trump Directs That Illegals Not Be Counted for Redistricting and You Can Imagine the Reaction"

Yeah, you can imagine the reaction:  that what Trump is trying to do is an open violation of the United States Constitution, which explicitly requires that all people within the country be counted.  Got a problem with that, Streiff?

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "Portland MOMTIFA Sets Leftist Narrative: 'I Don't See No Riot Here.' Don't Believe It for a Second."

Who you going to believe, someone who is there, or a paid Conservative liar?

Mario Alexis Portella, American Thinker:  "Will There Be Another Trump-Kim Summit?"

Oh God, no.  The perfect distraction from Trump's problems: another gratuitous humiliation at the hands of Kim Jong Un.

"Kim’s dictatorship continues to fail to protect or promote the rights of numerous at-risk groups, including women, children, and people with disabilities."

Well, at least the two guys have something in common.

"It is true that Trump has forged a relationship with North Korea, unlike any of his predecessors."

Well, that's for sure- the relationship of a sucker and his master.

"At the same time, Kim knows that he will unlikely have the success he has had if Joe Biden gets elected."

Presented by Mario as a reason to keep Trump in the White House.  Go figure.

Dark Outpost:  "The Reptilian Elite - Is Kamala Harris a Reptilian?"

Probably not, but I guess this shows who they are really afraid of running against.  Here is their evidence that Kamala Harris is a Reptilian, which is absolutely, certainly not photoshopped:

Coast to Coast AM:  "Several Million People are on Mars, All Part of the German Breakaway Colony"

Mars Nazis!  Millions of them!  Worry about that instead of our home grown Nazi in the White House.  That's a good idea!

"Michael Salla has concluded that major war operations presented opportunities for huge amounts of money to be siphoned off for secret projects, such as what went on at the Montauk Air Force Station from 1971-1983. Based on whistleblower testimony, he believes they perfected portal or stargate technology there, which allowed people to be instantly transported to far-flung destinations such as Mars.

Over the years, the Germans continued their covert technological and spacecraft projects out of Antarctica, he cited, and “right now, I firmly believe there are several million people on Mars that are part of this German breakaway colony.”


Bronson Stocking, Town Hall:  "Critics Clobber Biden For Calling Trump the First 'Racist' President"

The only "critics" mentioned in the article come from the Trump campaign.

Walter Williams, Town Hall:  "Confederate generals fought for independence from the Union just as George Washington fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who label Robert E. Lee and other Confederate generals as traitors might also label George Washington a traitor. Great Britain's King George III and the British parliament would have agreed."

Those who do not label Robert E. Lee a traitor are racist liars, whether or not they are black, as the turncoat Walter Williams is.  I guess Washington might have been a traitor to England, but not to our country, which is probably why there are no statues to Washington in England.  There are statues to the traitor Lee in this country, which is an abomination.

The Heartland Institute:  "Why Congress Should Not Extend Federal Unemployment Benefits"

Because then there is more money for the Koch brothers, who fund the Heartland Institute.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Latest Chicago Mass Shooting Could Be Mistaken for Parody, but the Mayor Can Only Mouth Off to Trump"

The black, female Chicago mayor.  Funny, when she criticizes Trump it is "mouthing off."  Get where Bonchie is going with that remark?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Three Federal Agents May Have Been Blinded Permanently by Antifa-BLM Lasers in Portland"

This is another of those stories that appear out of nowhere at dozens of right wing propagnda sites on the same day, without a single mainstream source reporting it.  Let me note, by the way, that three Federal agents may have been eaten by the Easter bunny, for all we know.  Not saying they were, but they may have been.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Intel Expert Bill Binney on Live Stream – Evidence Shows DNC Was Not Hacked (by Russia) – Evidence Points to CIA Involvement"

Bill Binney, huh?  Never heard of him?  Well, here's a little from his Wikipedia entry:

"In August 2014 Binney was among the signatories of an open letter by the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity to German chancellor Angela Merkel in which they urged the Chancellor to be suspicious of U.S. intelligence regarding the alleged invasion by Russia in Eastern Ukraine.[17][18][19] In the open letter, the group said:

[A]ccusations of a major Russian "invasion" of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable intelligence. Rather, the "intelligence" seems to be of the same dubious, politically "fixed" kind used 12 years ago to "justify" the U.S.-led attack on Iraq...Binney claims the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election is false, and that the Democratic National Committee e-mails were leaked by an insider instead.[20][21][22] He appeared on Fox News at least ten times between September 2016 and November 2017 to promote this theory... He has been a frequent guest on RT (that would be Russia Times, a Russian state propaganda factory) and Fox News and has been frequently cited on Breitbart News.

On January 23, 2018, Binney made an appearance on InfoWars[25] in connection with the Nunes memo, a Congressional document alleging irregularities in the application of the FISA Act"

Which was, as you may remember, a total lie.  Well, Breitbart, Fox News, InfoWars, Russian state propaganda outlets...and thus is created a right wing "intel expert."

And, how about a little more Conservative humor?
Isn't that cute?  What is interesting is the notion that, if one person somewhere commits any of these acts, it is okay for Federal storm troops to rampage all over the country arresting anyone they want.  I'm just not clear that behavior is protected by the Constitution.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden...Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.  President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters."

Oh my God, what are we going to do?  Real Americans hate Democrats!  And where do these "polls" come from?

"Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads."

Oh, Trump's media director.  And where did he get those numbers?

"Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project "

The American Principals Project.  Hmm, and what might that be?  From Wikipedia:

"The American Principles Project...promotes human dignity in public policy, supporting the respect for human life from conception to natural death, marriage between one man and one woman, the reality of human beings as divided into two complementary biological sexes, religious freedom, and the thorough preservation of constitutional values.  They have also led efforts opposing the Common Core standard and advocated for monetary reform by suggesting a return to the gold standard."

Well, there's an unbiased source.  Note what the American Principles Project seems to have absolutely no involvement with:  polling.  There is no sign that they have ever conducted a poll before, or have the ability to do so.

Media Bias/Fact Check rate them as extreme right, low factual reporting and a source of propaganda and conspiracy theories.  Their funding is not clear, but a significant part of it seems to come from Robert Mercer, who may be the most sociopathic right wing billionaire in America today.

Tauren Dyson, Newsmax:  "Jewish Group: Pelosi's 'Stormtrooper' Quip 'Offensive to Jews Across World'

A "Jewish group" called the Conference of Jewish Affairs, which seems to pretty much consist of a single person, long-time right wing "rabbi" Aryeh Spero, whose other very Jewish concerns are reflected in articles like "President Trump Restores the Original Intent of the First Amendment,"  "Socialism Extinguishes the American and Biblical Ideal," "BIDEN’S U.N. CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISRAEL REVEALED AGAIN," and "We invite you to sign this petition calling for an outpouring of support for our men and women in blue!"  Well, there seems to be a theme developing here of Conservatives manufacturing their own "experts" to broadcast whatever lies and smears they want.  And the following is no exception:

Tauren Dyson, Newsmax:  "Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: 'McCloskeys Holding Guns in Front of Home Was 'Completely Legal'

Pointing assault weapons at innocent people in their neighborhood- completely legal.  From the great legal mind that assured us last year that a President cannot be impeached for doing something that he thinks will help him win re-election, if he truly believes that only he can save the republic.

World Net Daily:  "Millions of Americans not buying official coronavirus death count"

Yeah.  They're the same millions of Americans that believe racism doesn't exist in this country, that global warming is a hoax, and that Hillary Clinton eats dead babies.

Mary Rose Corkey, The Daily Caller:  "U.S. should 'create alternatives' to Chinese forced-labor manufacturing"

Yeah?  Great idea.  That would require getting corporations to agree to pay workers more than Chinese forced-labor workers get.  I'm sure the same American corporations that went to China in the first place because cheap slave labor wages meant more money in their bloated pockets will get right on it.  Thanks for the creative thinking, Mary Rose.

Ilana Mercer, World Net Daily:  "Bring in the feds! Protection of natural rights trumps federalism"

Natural rights.  Like the right to beat black people for wanting freedom, I guess, because here is the example Ilana gives:

"Whether you thought those riots right or wrong, back in 1964, state police officers were a forceful presence for law-and-order."

You betcha.  Law and order like this:

It is almost incomprehensible to me that someone today could be as degraded as to use the beating of civil rights demonstrators in the sixties as a perfect example of the government doing its duty, let alone to do it in the week when John Lewis, who was almost killed by that behavior, just died- the last living link to the leadership of that era.  But here we are, America.  I think this truly is the most loathsome comment in today's Wingnut Wrapup, and at this point, I have no interest in seeing if I find anything worse.


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