Wingnut Wrapup

Boy. I can't wait to see how these idiots try to spin Trump's commuting of Roger Stone's sentence- maybe the most overt corrupt act ever committed by an American President.  But first, let's take a look at a representative of the mainstream press, the Washington Post.  I don't mean to single them out; they are getting so much attention today because I subscribe to them, but they are indicative of the way the mainstream press has covered Presidential elections in this country since Ronald Reagan, and despite all of the damage Trump has done, it looks like they are gearing up to do it again.

Eugene Scott, Washington Post:  "Trump’s defeats at the Supreme Court could help shore up his support from evangelicals"

Remember "Good news for John McCain?"  Everything was good news for John McCain until he lost.  Well, here it is again, 2020 version.  Even defeats mean that Trump is winning.  Expect this to be a major mainstream media theme from now to election day.  This will accompany the totally predictable stories about "Democrats in disarray," which are already prevalent to explain how a candidate that has a twelve point lead despite their ignoring him almost every day is still right on the verge of a landslide loss.  We will show no favoritism here at Wingnut Wrapup; when mainstream outlets parrot the same garbage that our usual sources do, we will include them too.  But wait, there's more:

Sean Sullivan, Washington Post:  "Liberals want more from Biden than an anti-Trump message.  Some liberals question Joe Biden’s lack of specifics and an abundance of caution on certain policies. One said she is unsure what a Biden presidency would look like beyond “Trump is gone.”

This is their Biden coverage.  Biden, of course, has a fully developed set of policy proposals, but the Washington Post decided to ignore all of that, and just lie about it, the same way the mainstream press did with Hillary Clinton.  No similar article, by the way, about "some conservatives question whether Donald Trump, who has repeatedly been unable to explain what he would do in a second term, had to offer beyond racism and hatred."  Maybe that's because there are no conservatives who care about anything but racism and hatred. 

Ashley Parker, Philip Rucker and  Josh Dawsey, Washington Post:  "Trump has always exhibited a healthy ego"

No he hasn't.  He has always exhibited a deeply diseased and malignant ego.  It took three Washington Post writers to come up with this grotesque lie.  And it's only July.  Get ready for what is to come, when they decide they just have to report whatever smear the Republicans cook up about Biden, to "balance" the constant revelations of Trump's criminality.

"One senior administration official rejected the notion that Trump views himself as a victim, saying instead that he has repeatedly expressed his frustration over a virus that seemed to emerge out of nowhere and has ravaged the country, and that his only concern is for the victims of the pandemic."

You couldn't find a better specimen of blatant lying and repetition of the Republican party line at Town Hall or Gateway Pundit.

Hal Turner:  "ANTIFA To Desecrate Gettysburg National Cemetery on July 4 - Then MURDER & BURN White Suburbs under cover of "Fireworks...These groups will attempt to hijack one of this nation's greatest holidays and turn into a dark day in hell."

Just listing this item to show that Green Eagle is not infallible.  It's past July 4th, and I didn't even notice white suburbs being burned by Antifa.  The story must have been blacked out by the fake news media.

Before it's News:  "The Second Wave Of Covid-19 Will Be Laced With Bubonic Plague And Probably Ebola."

I'd be interested to know how you "lace" a virus with two other diseases.  I'd also be interested in the thought process that leads a person to tell lies like this without a shred of concern for the damage they are doing.  I've thought about that question for decades without ever being able to come up with an answer.

Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "Pelosi Gloats Over SCOTUS Trump Tax Return Rulings"

I hope so.  She deserves a chance to gloat, after what she has had to put up with.

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "This Is A Great Opportunity To Destroy Academia...Let’s be clear: Academia today is a pack of rabid reds, and we need to put it down like Old Yeller."

And I don't want to let Kurt go so easily, so here's some more:

"We have no moral obligation to subsidize a generation of brats...If these bozos are considered “educated,” I’ll stick with the allegedly ignorant. At least someone without an Ivy League degree can give me a hand changing my oil or, you know, defending the Constitution with a rifle."

Defending the Constitution with a rifle.   They can't, of course, make any rational, decent argument for what they want, so they will just shoot their way into control.  Which, by the way, is not defending the Constitution. as far as I can tell.  And by the way, Kurt, if you are such a man of the people, why can't you change your own damned oil?

Loyd Pettigrew, Town Hall:  "Why Conservatives Must Vote in the 2020 Primaries and General Election"

Because the government they elected in 2016 has done such a great job of running the country that we need four more years of it.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Can You Blame Them? Legions of New York's Finest Are Submitting Their Exit Papers"

Yes, I can blame them, Matt; very easily.  They are a bunch of spoiled bullies who are going to take their ball and go home if they are expected to play nicely.  So, good riddance, assholes.  P.S.- exactly who are the snowflakes here?

Beth Baumann, Town Hall:  "Uh Oh: Sleepy Joe's Caught Stealing Policy Agendas... Again"

Oh well, that's still better than stealing actual money from kids with cancer, like Donald Trump did.  By the way, don't miss the implication of this piggish comment:  It is an abomination for a Democrat to see a good policy idea and adopt it.  No, better they should run everything by trusting their "gut" like Trump.  And this seems to be a theme recently:

Mike Miller, Red State:  "Biden Releases Recommendations for DNC Platform — After Copying & Pasting Right Out of Bernie’s Playbook"

Getting together with other Democrats to produce a platform that all Democrats can support is apparently a vicious, underhanded act.  Several articles in the right wing media lately refer to what he did, which is advocating for ideas that originated with someone else, as plagiarism.  If nothing else, this shows how little ground they are gaining with their smears of Biden.

Gateway Pundit:  "WAYNE ROOT: Was This Our Last Fourth of July?"

Grow up, jerk.

And here is how the two Supreme Court decisions, dealing Donald Trump a massive blow on the issue of his taxes are interpreted on the right:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "House Democrats Bring Their Sloppy Work to SCOTUS"

And won.  I guess Trump's justice department is even sloppier, what with firing all the real lawyers and replacing them with crooked toadies.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules Congressional Investigators Not Allowed to Subpoena President Trump’s Financial Records"

This is, of course, a lie.  What the Supreme Court ruled was, first that the State investigators in New York can certainly have Trump's tax records, and second that Congress can have them too, but only in return for a more tightly detailed request.    In any case, this is a massive legal victory for those who want Trump to be held responsible for his crimes, but a total political victory for Trump, who can easily stall the actual turning over of those tax returns until after the election.

And Jim is hardly done with his piggish lying today:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Biden-Sanders want...a foreign policy that funds the Ayatollahs for their terror projects in the region."

Democrats want to fund Ayatollahs and their terrorism.  Maybe like Ronald Reagan did when he gave the Ayatollahs two thousand missiles in the Iran-Contra scandal.  Or maybe like when the incompetent Bush appointees in Iraq allowed billions of dollars to fall into the hands of Shiite militias. 

Peter Lemiska, Renew America:  "Defunding the police – An insane solution to a fabricated problem"

Because, see, police killing black Americans is not a real problem, since blacks are worthless anyway and have no right to live.  That's pretty much what Peter was getting at.

Sean Moran, Breitbart:  "Burgess Owens: America Will See a ‘Renaissance’ with Trump Re-Elected, GOP House"

And free ponies for all white people.  Burgess Owens is a Republican Congressional candidate and former Oakland Raider.  Sounds like he had a few too many concussions.

Jeffrey Folks, American Thinker:  "How Antifa and Black Lives Matter Compare with Satan"

Yup, that really is the title of Jeffrey's article.  It sure is.  Jeffrey explains:

"At the heart of today's protests is a refusal to accept authority.  It may feel godlike to swarm through the streets, smashing, burning, and assaulting the police, but that sort of criminality can only lead to worse things.  When Satan was defeated in his rebellion against God, he was condemned to spend the rest of his days in Hell.  He spent eternity as a bitter outcast, seeking revenge and plotting against God.

According to God.  For all we know, Satan did the sensible thing and forgot about the whole fight with that intolerable prig, and has spent the time ever since partying.

That gives us some idea of what's in store for the radicals protesting in the streets today."

Refusal to accept the "authority" of a racist would-be dictator who ended up in the White House through a treasonous collaboration with our biggest foreign enemy.  That is apparently Satanic.  No mention of the right wing assholes who showed up outside Statehouses with automatic rifles to force leaders to abandon health policies that have worked everywhere else in the world.

Civis Americanus, American Thinker:  "Could a good employment lawyer argue that an employer's or university's support for BLM constitutes an actionable hostile work environment or hostile learning environment?"

No.  But a bad lawyer could.  Luckily, the right has plenty of those.

Andrea Widberg, American Thinker:  "Flynn judge files a ridiculous request with the Court of Appeals...Judge Emmet Sullivan didn't like being kicked off the Flynn case, and he's filed a weak motion to have all the judges on the court review the earlier order."

It is, of course, absolutely standard practice for someone who objects to an appeals decision from a three judge panel to ask for an en banc reconsideration, which the court has granted.  What makes this one "ridiculous" is that Trump doesn't like it.  And this is a good time to point out that this decision was written by Naomi Rao, a judge just rammed through the Senate by Mitch McConnell, despite being found to be grossly incompetent to be a Federal judge, and who is nothing but a right wing religious fanatic.

William L. Gensert, American Thinker:  "Beating Trump will not go well for Democrats"

An advancement on the constant Republican claim that Biden's consistent double digit lead is a really bad thing for Democrats, another new version of "Good news for John McCain" journalism:  Now, even if they win, it will be bad for Democrats.  Well, at least William is one right wing liar who has a pretty good idea where this is all headed.

"Their desire to rule by decree in the variegated agglomeration of 50 different countries tied together in a federation that constitutes our republic will only intensify with the Democratic Party pulling off a national sweep in federal elections this November."

Leaving aside the fact that there is no President in history who has tried to "rule by decree" anywhere near as much as Trump, can I just point out that this guy is now claiming that the States are separate countries.  As if he doesn't know this, that claim was pretty much rejected in the Civil War. 

Susan Stamper Brown, Town Hall:  "Why It Sucks to be a Democrat in 2020... the Democratic Party is in a death spiral of its own making."

Man, I can't wait to see this.  That is going to be some kind of death spiral, going from wiping Trump and the Senate Republicans out in the polls straight to hell. 

"We should be thankful."

Well, Green Eagle is thankful that reality is hitting wingnuts so hard in the head that they have to pretend to believe things like this.

Ellie Bufkin, Town Hall:  "No Voter Fraud, Eh Democrats? A Dead Cat Just Got A Voter Registration Form"

Yeah, but in order for that to be voter fraud the dead cat would have to fill the form out, send it in, get on the ballot and actually cast a vote.  I wonder how many actual dead cat votes Ellie can point to.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Biden Vows: If Elected, I'll Force Those Catholic Nuns to Violate Their Beliefs on Contraception Again"

I am sorry to be so blunt, but at this point, given the trouble this country is in, and the record of the Catholic Church in recent decades, while these nuns stood by and said nothing, who gives a flying fuck about Catholic nuns and their so-called "beliefs?"

And here it comes: 

David Zublick, Dark Outpost:  "Child sex trafficking investigators from the FBI’s New York field office have conducted an interview with a victim who provided chilling details about allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton on a yacht in New England when the victim was a young boy. The interview and the allegations against Clinton are both detailed and disturbing.

Detailed, disturbing and an utter lie, of course.  David continues:

Dark Outpost has decided to share the video of the victim’s account in his own words which contain explosive details of the alleged assault and much more. Plus…an interview with a man who claims to have seen not one but two videos in which Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin commit unspeakable acts against innocent preteen girls. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!"

"A victim..."  A man..."  God, there are dozens of accounts of this "story" that you can find in two minutes with Google.  Not a single one of them, of course, from anything resembling a real media outlet, and in none of them are there any real details of the story. As bad as it is, I think I will stick with this world, rather than joining David at the Dark Outpost.

Before it's News:  "[Beware!] "Something Is Happening With Our Moon"

Well, at least now you know.

Jeff Charles, Red State:  "Top GOP Pollster: Trump Needs To Go On The Offensive Against Biden"

Well, running on his own record doesn't seem to be working, does it?

Paula Boyard, PJ Media:  "“There really isn’t any reason to not put children back in school since they are not the vulnerable population,” said (Melanie) Elsey, a former educator."

No, unless you care if they get sick and die.  Well, at least Melanie is a former educator, and is now undoubtedly in seclusion where she can do no harm.

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "Look Out, Joe Biden: Here Comes Trump's Second-Term Agenda"

And here it is...

And at this point, don't even try to tell me that I am exaggerating.

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "Army Investigating Training Materials That Declare 'MAGA' Is 'Covert White Supremacy'

And Rick is right here.  MAGA is not covert white supremacy; it is overt white supremacy.  There; I saved the Army a lot of trouble with their investigation.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "A Salute to Roger Stone with a Song from Mint Chip: “They Wanna Get Me Like I’m Roger Stone”

Mint Chip, legendary composer of songs such as "Red Lobster Date with Ann Coulter," "EXPOSEANTIFA"  and  "KAMALA HARRIS IS A COP."  Yup, you now have his three other songs that have made it onto Youtube. Relax, Rolling Stones, your status as the world's greatest rock and roll band is not in threat.  And yes, I did listen to “They Wanna Get Me Like I’m Roger Stone.”  I don't advise following my example.  Not if you care about music anyway. Or have just eaten lunch.  If you really have to listen to something, try this:

See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?

And now, as promised, a few wingnut comments on Trump's criminal commutation of Roger Stone's sentence:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Pencil Neck Schiff BLOWS A GASKET After President Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Sentence"

"Blows a gasket" apparently being right wing speak for objecting to the President of the United States committing open crimes in the White House.

Streiff, Red State:  "Robert Mueller’s Whining About Roger Stone Not Going to Prison Is the Kind of Unmanly Behavior We’ve Come to Expect From Him"

It is unmanly to respect the rule of law.  It is, however, apparently very manly to whine in public about every thing that anyone says about him, and complain that, although he inherited $400 million dollars, life has been very unfair to him.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "We Now Know Obama and Mueller’s Teams Were Corrupt – Their Top Four Witnesses Included Liars, a Drug Addict, a Convicted Pedophile and a Pervert"

You go with the witnesses you have, not the ones you might want, to paraphrase a famous Republican.  We got that kind of witnesses, you idiot, because that is the kind of people who Donald Trump associated with.  I'm sure Mueller would have rather called on the Pope to testify, but unfortunately, the Pope has no personal knowledge of Trump's criminal behavior.

Nick Arama: "Pelosi Wants to Ignore the Constitution and Control Who President Can Pardon"

Let's be clear here.  The President's power to pardon is not absolute.  If he uses the pardon for an illegal purpose, he has committed a crime, period.  And pardoning or commuting the sentence of a convicted felon in return for his silence about the President's own crimes is bribery and subornation of perjury.  It is a crime.  Even when committed by the Greatest President Of All Time.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "President Trump Just Commuted Roger Stone's Sentence, and the Left Is Freaking Out...Enjoy the outrage mob. There’s a lot more where that came from."

Well, we all know that is really what this is all about, other than keeping Trump's corrupt ass out of jail- owning the libs.  That's what Conservatives really care about, and anything that outrages liberals is a great thing, regardless of how much damage it does to the country.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe's ‘Hysterical Fallacies' Is Cause For Roger Stone's Commutation"

That liberal lawyer would be one Michael Tracey, whose main claim to fame is spending years producing documentaries trying to convict Jon Benet Ramsey's parents of killing her, only to have DNA evidence prove him wrong.  How that makes him a "liberal lawyer," or anything but a monumental asshole, I don't know, but I will point out that the jury in Stone's case found the 'hysterical fallacies' to be convincing enough that they found him guilty on all seven counts, by a unanimous vote.

Well, enough of Roger Stone.  Pretty weak beer there, but that's pretty much what they were able to come up with.

Dr. Luke Prophet:  "Cern is trying to tear the veil and open a portal and I expect that Cern will indeed be successful in 2021 when they ramp up production.  I believe Satan has the technology now to open the portal and tear the veil.  When the veil is torn, there will be gigantic monsters returning to earth along with more demonic zombies entering into our dimension."
An illustration from this article.

Well, don't tell us we didn't warn you.

"Satan is also trying to suck Jesus the Messiah into a black hole when He returns with His myriad (millions) of Angels."

Who knew Satan was so up on science?  And wouldn't it be easier to just give Jesus the Coronavirus?

And now, history, Republican style:

Brabantian, Henry  "Quite seriously, nuclear weapons have never existed. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only two more horrible urban napalm fire-bombings, less devastating in fact than the one that hit Tokyo five months earlier – but re-packaged with a fake story of a ‘new awesome weapon’.

Ten countries in total have claimed to have nuclear weapons, and this is actually the scary part of the hoax, showing how major world governments collude."

A perversion of history, kept secret by hundreds of thousands of scientists, politicians and technicians for over seventy years, without one single person ever breaking ranks and telling the truth.  Finally, we have a right wing blog to break the silence and let us know what really happened.

Roy Spencer, Town Hall  If 2020 Is the Warmest Year … So What?"

So what if we all die, as long as rich guys make big profits in the process.

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "Lifting Lockdowns Not the Culprit Behind New Surge in Coronavirus Cases, Doctor Says"

The doctor in question being one Scott Atlas, M.D., a "senior fellow" at the Hoover Institution, which is a notorious right wing lie factory.  Just one more example of right wingers manufacturing their own "experts" to spread their garbage when the facts are so totally against them.

And...enough.  See you soon.


Infidel753 said…
Who knew Satan was so up on science?

Hey, science is evil and keeps confronting us with diabolical concepts like evolution and global warming and the Bible being wrong about the solar system. Now it's getting in the way of Trump re-opening the schools. So obviously it's the work of Satan. Also, CERN is run by Godless, un-American Europeans. You just know they're up to no good, and doubtless working for Satan as well.
Green Eagle said…
I just thought Satan was more into lakes of fire than black holes. I'm willing to be corrected, however. Jonah was probably really abducted by a flying saucer.

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