Happy Talk

I'm not suggesting we get all giddy about this, given the absolutely unbelievable amount of vote rigging and smearing that is going to be coming from the Republicans and their sociopathic billionaire supporters this fall, but it is still a fun read.  From an article at Daily Kos, the results of a new Quinnipiac University poll, showing Trump losing to Biden by 15%, and now behind Biden on the last issue he was still ahead on, his "handling" of the economy.  Quinnipiac is a highly rated polling operation, which in my memory tends to favor Republicans by a point or two, so it is not to be taken lightly. 

As I say, the next four months are going to be possibly the most ghastly in our political history, so nothing is certain, but for once I am recommending that people read an article because it is happy, not scary.  Go ahead, you will enjoy it.


gruaud said…
According to Rasmussen , there is a single instance of at least 50% strongly disapprove of Trump: August 2, 2017.

They must have been really been face-palming hard that day.
Green Eagle said…
And Rasmussen is little more than a Republican propaganda factory, which constantly uses pollster tricks to get poll results that favor Republicans. They reported last month that Trump's support among Black Americans was actually a point higher than his average support among all Americans. Boy, you've got to be stupid to believe that.

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