A Wingnut Flash from the Past

Well, perhaps the greatest idiocy in world history.

I came across this article a few days ago.  It was written during the height of the Mueller investigation.  I thought it might interest some people, representing as it does one of the seminal stages in the development of the insane QAnon theories which are more influential in the Republican party every day, as its grip on reality decays.  Sixty Republican candidates for Congress this year have indicated at least a partial support for QAnon idiocy, so this is no longer something to laugh about.  Well, here it is:

"How Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History

"Trump made a shocking promise to Clinton in the event he got elected. “If I win, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation…we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump said. Clinton responded, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump then interrupted and said: “Because you’d be in jail.” Trump’s statement was met with cheers and thunderous applause."

Promising before he was even elected that he would put innocent people in jail for the "crime" of opposing him.  Well, look at Portland; that is one promise Trump intends to keep.

"Fast forward to May 16, President Trump is now in the White House and meets with Robert Mueller...So what was the meeting really about? I believe Trump was finalizing his decision to appoint Mueller as his special prosecutor to investigate Clinton. Don’t believe it? Keep reading."

Well, of course I don't believe it.  It was nonsense from the beginning, but it was the only way right wingers could explain away Trump's clear acts of treason.  It didn't need to make any more sense than the story that the earth is six thousand years old, because sense isn't really their thing.  Hatred and racism are their thing.

"Trump is a man of his word..."

Ha.  Except for those twenty thousand documented lies he has told since becoming President, or that charity money he rose for children with cancer and veterans, and then just kept, or his claim that you could get an actual education at Trump University if you just paid enough, or all those subcontractors over the years he cheated out of their pay, or paying prostitutes to keep their mouths shut about paying them for sex, or about ten thousand other things.

"...and he’s making good on all of his campaign promises..."

Well, he has built three miles of that wall.  And he's balanced the budget- easy, just like he said.  What? He has tripled the budget deficit left to him by Obama, and this year it is exploding like a hydrogen bomb?  No, that can't be true.  And he sure has fulfilled his promise to come up with a far better health insurance program, or at least he will any day now, and he brought peace with North Korea and...oh well, enough is enough. Otherwise, this could go on forever.  Now, back to our show:

"...so why wouldn’t he keep this one? The left and the media has been so blinded by their partisanship that they’ve failed to see that the greatest bait and switch in the history of the world is going down right before their very eyes. They’ve naively assumed that since Mueller had been a part of the swamp, he’d protect the swamp."

They naively believed that Mueller would make an honest effort to do his job, whereas Republicans never expect that from anyone, having no intention of ever wasting their time doing the same, and just assuming that everyone is as corrupt as them.

"However, just because he’s associated with corrupt politicians like the Clintons for years does not mean that he likes them or has any interest in protecting them at this point. After all, the Clintons did go to Trump’s wedding and you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

The Clintons went to Trump's wedding, so that proves they are corrupt.  Hmm...might be something to that reasoning.

"When Trump was asked if he’d consider firing Mueller, he responded by stating he was confident he’d be absolved of wrongdoing."

And Donald J. Trump would never state anything he didn't believe to be true.

"If Mueller is so corrupt and intent on protecting the Clintons, like so many on both the right and the left believe, why isn’t Trump sweating?"

Because he has a corrupt Attorney General who will see to it that the truth is buried deeper than Cthulhu's grave.

"He alluded that he’s not even thinking about firing Mueller. Not only is Trump a man of his word..."

Except for those twenty thousand lies, and...oh wait, we've been through that already. Sorry.

"...he’s rarely ever wrong and his instincts are killer."

His instinct to inject bleach into your lungs to cure Coronavirus?  Well, that instinct sure was a killer.

"It also should be noted that Mueller is a decorated Marine who served in Vietnam and has received many medals including the Purple Heart."


"Mueller was hired to investigate Clinton, period. If my theory proves to be correct, this will go down as one of the most brilliant sting operations in history."

Well, it didn't go down as one of the most brilliant sting operations in history.  It went down as one of the stupidest right wing delusions ever.  Unfortunately, it has been topped over and over again, as one after another of QAnon's lunatic theories has proven to be false, and as Trump's deranged, criminal behavior has required ever more preposterous explanations to wish away.

And yet the QAnon idiots go on, predicting that the 160,000 sealed indictments of Hillary, Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Chrissy Tiegen, the Queen and God knows who else, which are sitting on Trump's desk, are going to be unsealed any day now.  And they seem to believe it, that belief being far more palatable to them than admitting what suckers they have been.


Infidel753 said…
I think only Americans could do this -- invent a form of fascism which is at least sometimes hilarious.
Green Eagle said…
That's what Green Eagle is here to report on, Infidel.

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