
In lieu of a wingnut wrapup today, I would like to focus on a single article from Town Hall, one of the most widely read right wing websites in existence.  It is by a guy named Kurt Schlichter, whose writings have appeared many times here.  Today, though, something has changed.  Here are some excerpts:

"Democrat Liars Are Barely Even Trying to Fool Us Anymore"

Because we all know that it is the Democrats that are doing all the lying.

"You watch the freakish Rep. Jerry Nadler mouth off to AG William Barr"

Democrats asking questions of a Republican Attorney General in a Congressional hearing is "mouthing off," because they have no right to speak in public.  And they are freakish.  More freakish than Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell?  Hardly seems possible, but whatever.

"The next question is how someone as lumpy as The Nad ever managed to pull off his escape from Willie Wonka’s factory. Maybe he hid in a dumpster of garbage and it worked because no one noticed him nestled inside, perfectly camouflaged"

Nothing like focusing on the issues there, Kurt.  Note that, among the schoolyard taunts, there is not one word about what Nadler said when he was "mouthing off."  

"But truth is still a thing, despite the efforts of Rep. Class Act and that witch Nancy Pelosi, who called our cops “stormtroopers” with a straight face – though in fairness to her, after all that Botox she no longer has any other kind."

More pure childish taunting, with absolutely no interest in the substance of that hearing, which is the massive evidence that Barr is a crook like his boss.

Believe me, Kurt is not done yet:

"Remember that all this disorder is an information operation designed to make us normal people think that chaos is descending upon America..."

Which is not at all what Donald Trump is up to, sending troops into American cities, to attack peaceful demonstrators.

"...and that Donald Trump will be unable to protect us when these barbarians issue from the cities like Sauron’s hordes from Mordor and march on our suburban and rural homes. The unspoken deal they offer is that if we only elect the gropey old weirdo who lives in a basement then all this trouble will magically stop and, as a bonus, the Bat Soup Flu will be cured."

Barbarians...Sauron's hordes from Mordor.  That's you, readers.  And Uncle Joe is a "gropey old weirdo."  More meaningless playground insults.

"As for the “Wall of Moms,” a hackneyed bit of performance art that might fool dim bulbs like the flatulent Eric Swalwell but no one else, it’s unclear whether those hefty harpies even identify themselves as women."

More vicious taunting which is utterly irrelevant to the issue at hand.  And of course, Kurt has the solution to all that:

"When those creatures slither into our communities, it’s stick time.  And that’s not even accounting for all the Second Amendment enthusiasts in the hinterlands."

Just beat them to death, or shoot them.  That'll shut them up.

There's lots more, but that is enough.  This article is not even an attempt to discuss issues.  It is nothing but an inchoate scream of rage.  And we all know what brought it on.  Mr. Schlichter sees not just defeat in his future, but the stripping away of all illusion that he and his readers cared for one second about this country, or anything but slaking their own most base emotions.  It is distilled hatred.  Well, that is what Conservatism is about in this country today, and this is how they sound now that they see that hatred is not enough to get them what they want.

And let me add one other comment from Town Hall today:

John Kass, Town Hall:  "What Happened to an America Where You Could Freely Speak Your Mind?"

Apparently, Kurt's "opinion piece" wasn't speaking his mind.  If that was holding back their real opinions,  I wonder what they actually have in store for us if Trump steals the White House again.


Infidel753 said…
We already have a gropey old weirdo playing a major role in our politics, and it ain't Biden.
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, but as they say, he's their gropey old weirdo, not ours.
Bruce.desertrat said…
There's a reason the site's nickname is "KlownHall"

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