Change in Tone

This little video, from Media Matters, is one of the greatest illustrations of the sycophantic irresponsibility of the mainstream press in regard to Trump (and for that matter, all Republicans.)  I suggest you take a look at it.

Note: for some reason Blogger is refusing to recognize the embed code for this video.  Here is a link to the youtube video:

In fact, we have all known, since early in his Presidency, that Trump is never going to change his "tone."  He is a mentally deficient bully filled with hatred and self-love, and he is incapable of being anything but the subhuman monster that he is, except when the people surrounding him manage to get him to focus on the danger he is in of ending up in prison.  And that never lasts more than a day or two.  But still the press is trumpeting his "change in tone," while he sends unmarked troops into cities to attack peaceful demonstrators and kidnap them off the street, and a judge has just ruled that he had a man thrown in prison to prevent him from telling what he knows about Trump's criminality.  

I guess they will go on providing cover for Republicans until the day they are all hauled away and disappeared.  Which may be coming in the next hundred days.


bt1138 said…
July 28th and he's tweeting about hydroxychloroquine again...
bt1138 said…
He changed his tone again at today's solo presser, am I right?
gruaud said…
Vulpes et Amicos circa 40 AD:

Doocius Stephanus: 'The emperor Caligula has really pivoted this week...'

Kilmeadius Briannicus: 'I wonder if Vercingetorix grew up on tacos.'

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