Wingnuts Take a Stand

Social distancing, right wing style

This is sort of a special edition of Wingnut Wrapup, concentrating solely on the utterly insane demonstrations against social distancing that seem to be popping up all over the country.  Of course we know that a lot of these demonstrations are artificially generated by sociopathic right wing rich people (including a member of Trump's cabinet,) but still, how are they motivating thousands of these people to cast their own safety to the winds to support Trump's position?

At least part of the answer can be found (as you might expect) in the "information" that these people are being force-fed.  I've assembled a few of them here; and I do mean a few; I stopped when I couldn't take it any more.  There could be hundreds more entries here, but enough is enough.  Well, here we go:

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Analysis: NYT Exploits Man's Coronavirus Death With Shoddy, Hypocritical Hit Piece on Fox News"

Fox News, which, of course never published a "shoddy, hypocritical hit piece," and who have always told the truth on every occasion, particularly where the lives of their followers are involved.  Guy continues:

"Over the weekend, the New York Times published a story about the Coronavirus-caused death of a bar owner from New York City.  The man was a conservative, a Fox News viewer who was distrustful of the mainstream media, and was beloved by his patrons and wider community.  The piece is filled with texture, but its inescapable underlying theme and tone is, 'this Trumpy right-winger's ideology caused his death.'  That's certainly how many 'blue checkmarks' on social media chose to market it, almost as a weird form of vengeance porn.  They wouldn't quite say that he deserved to die...but with just a glimmer of satisfaction, they shared the story as a means of attacking politicians and institutions that they've loathed for years."

No word from Guy about the endless, constant stream of articles from the right wing media calling for the death (often at the hands of the wingnuts themselves) of anyone who disagrees with them.

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "They Can’t Stop Us from Re-Opening America...We’re going to come out of this nightmare whether the Democratic politicians like it or not. The pandemic is subsiding, so America is done with this lockdown nonsense"

The pandemic is subsiding.  Who knew?  Kurt provides us more insight:

"The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it’s in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan) and you can see that forcing big box stores to tape off the seed section gives her a kind of erotic pleasure. It’s kind of creepy."

Creepy.  Well, you should know about creepy, Kurt.

And now, our traditional peek into the world of Conservative humor:

There he is, doing exactly what they elected him to do.  Not saving their lives, who cares about that?  He's owning the libs!

Scott Morefield, Town Hall:  "Leftists Don’t Want The Shutdown To End Because They Are Living Out Their Wildest Dreams"

It's our wildest dream to stay at home every day.  I guess that's because everybody knows leftists are lazy freeloaders.

"Indeed, if some sort of five-headed Demogorgon combination of Che Guevara, Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and Joseph Stalin managed to emerge from the pits of hell to wreak havoc for a few months, it’s hard to imagine how the world would be different from what has happened thus far in 2020...Police State Dreams Come True "

Demogorgon.  If they put as much effort into solving problems as they do into ridiculing people who are trying to solve them, we'd be in such great shape.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "The COVID-19 Lockdown Is a Drug the Left Can’t Get off of and It’s Going to Ruin Them"

The drug consists of believing the experts.  Brandon is particularly upset today about governors banding together to try to do what Trump won't.  He even helpfully quotes the Constitution to back up his claim that this is illegal:

"No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."

I guess several million people potentially dying from a virus is not what Brandon would consider to be "imminent danger."  Brandon describes the Democratic reaction as "roaming through the forest watching for bears."  Just for your information, the average number of deaths by bears in the United States is 2.  If they had killed 40,000 people in the last six weeks, maybe the comparison would be accurate.  So, get to work, bears.  The virus is leaving you behind.

They're coming to get you!

Streiff, Red State:  "Dr. Fauci Decides He Is Galactic Commander and Warns That Protests Will Delay Reopening the Country"

Well, here's that asshole Streiff, accusing Dr. Fauci of trying to be "galactic commander" because he wants to follow science, even though it risks Donald Trump's re-election.  And here he is again:

Streiff, Red State:  "On the Anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, President Trump Affirms Our Right to Protest Wuhan Virus Lockdowns"

Exactly the same thing:  The American revolution, and a few hundred jackasses risking their lives for nothing, because they were incited by the right wing media.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Conservative Street Artist Sabo Strikes Again With Campaign to End Quarantine"

And how did "Conservative street artist Sabo" strike again?  By doing this:

How many people will think this is an official sign stating that the beach is open?  Yes, by lying to people and risking the lives of those who believe him.  That's Conservative art at its finest.

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "Nancy Pelosi Wants You to Sit Down, Shut Up, and Obey Government Coronoavirus Decrees"

She wants you to live.  How dare she!  Communist!

Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "Americans revolt against outlaw socialist governors...In contrast to phony George Soros-financed “protests” for “progressive” policies, real grassroots movements have been emerging in America targeting tyrannical governors and demanding the return of our God-given rights of freedom of assembly and speech. What is happening is reminiscent of the Tea Party protests that emerged under President Barack Hussein Obama and made his socialized medicine policies into a teaching moment for the nation about the threat of socialism.  Here we are years later and the socialist threat has been made into a frightening reality by liberal governors who claim to be protecting our health and welfare by shutting down free enterprise and suppressing basic rights. They seem to think they can use this crisis to buttress the government sector while making themselves look good and leaving the private sector in ruins."

Of course, the right wing protests are totally created and financed by rich right wingers like Betsey DeVos.  But way to go there, Cliff, trying to turn concern for an existential threat to our society into a bunch of phony outrage over "socialism."

Bryan Fischer, Renew America:  "President Trump wisely has taken his first steps to reopen America, and has just as wisely reminded the nation’s governors that the ball is in their court. This is not just wise, it’s brilliant: if people are torqued at government restrictions, they will not have the president to blame. Their beef will be with their governors and their governors alone."

Blame the governors.  That's the plan.  Not taking action to minimize the crisis, just working night and day to blame it on someone else.  Brilliant move, not doing anything to end the crisis, just blaming it on other people.  It's worked so far for Trump, why not this time too?

Lloyd Marcus, Renew America:  "Coronavirus is the big Kahuna of their schemes to end their nightmare of having a fearless fighter for We the People in the Oval Office. Like every other evil scheme they have launched against Trump, corona-madness will fail."

I don't even know how someone could write a sentence like that without God striking him down with lightning.

Mario Alexis Portella, American Thinker:  "COVID-19 -- Another Benghazi?...the Department of State, under then-Secretary Hillary Clinton, covered-up the Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, which killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.  Are the cable leaks of the COVID-19 a déjà vu all over again?  Is this another Deep State conspiracy?"

Sure it is, Mario.  You finally found a way to blame it on Hillary.  What a feat.

Patricia McCarthy, American Thinker:  "The Trump-hating American left has lost any sense of decency; it is rooting for the virus.  The more deaths these people can blame on Trump, the happier they are."

Man, I am getting bored with this crap.  Really, how can people believe things like this?

Jeremy B. Kay, American Thinker:  "These are dangerous times for all of us in America.  How many of our civil rights will survive the post-virus world?  Freedom of assembly?  Second Amendment?  Open worship?  Maybe we'll get lucky and hang on to all of them intact.  The cynic in me — or maybe it's the realist — thinks that once this crisis has passed, some on the left will try to blame the Jews for what has transpired."

Take a look at your own side of the fence, asshole.  There are already hundreds of right wing sources blaming the Jews for coronavirus.  And no, I will not link to them, although I see them every day. That reality doesn't seem to bother you as much as your imaginary left wing boogie men.


Yup.  That's what they are.  Just goes to show how much any of them ever believed a thing they have said.  Well, as I said above, this is where I couldn't take it any more.  It just goes on and on.  And this is what these people rely on for their news.  Hey, I believe in freedom of speech too- I use it almost every day.  But really, isn't this the national equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater?


Poll P. said…
Interesting. I sense a different mood, a different tone, G.E. Is the virus changing us all? What's the wackiest theory they've come up with, do you think?
Infidel753 said…
After all these mob protests with no virus precautions, we're about to find out what it looks like when astroturf gets mowed down.

but its inescapable underlying theme and tone is, 'this Trumpy right-winger's ideology caused his death.'

They better get used to that kind of thing, because they're creating opportunities for a lot more of it.

I can understand getting bored with this stuff. After a while the stupidity all just blurs together.
Green Eagle said…
Here's the wackiest thing I have heard in my following this nonsense. It is not directly connected to Covid but it was in a post by a virus truther:

The story we hear about Robin Hood is complete false news. In truth, Sherwood Forest around 1200 was owned by the Jews, and the Sheriff of Nottingham was a collaborator in their plot to take over all of England. Robin Hood was a white hero who defended the English people against the Jews, so his real role has been virtually written out of history by liberals.

Top that one.
Infidel753 said…
Green: That's pretty bad, but in the comment threads on religio-wingnut sites I'm seeing claims that Bill Gates engineered the pandemic so that everybody on Earth can be forcibly injected with a vaccine which will contain a microchip which will be the Mark of the Beast and enslave us all to the New World Order. Nobody ever seems to challenge these claims as lacking in credibility.

At this point these people are hardly any more sane than the guy in the straitjacket in a rubber room who's firmly convinced that he's Napoleon.
Green Eagle said…
Infidel, I must say that in following the websites I do, I see a large portion of the wingnuts coalescing around an explanation involving Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, China and the WHO, in which the plot is to force everyone on earth to receive their evil vaccinations, which will implant chips in the whole of humanity allowing the deep state to control, or kill most of them. I see two versions of this claim; the B version, which is pretty well what I just said, and the A version, in which this is all being done in obesiance to the ages old Satanic child eating cult currently run by Hillary, the Queen, Obama, etc. I haven't tried to reach a firm figure, but at this point, I am guessing that 40-60% of the hardcore wingnuts have gravitated to one of these two positions.

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