It's Really Getting Strange Out There

And for some reason it's Kennedy day in wingnut world.  Let's start with a bit of an interview with someone named Ivo:

"Me: Right. One of course being Marilyn Monroe.Me: Who’s side was she on? I heard she was an MK Ultra sex kitten?Ivo: She was with Kennedy to gain information for the deep state.Me: Wow! We always think of her as so innocent and frankly, pretty fluffy.Ivo: She was a spy for the deep state."

The deep state.  In 1962.  And they had Marilyn Monroe screw Kennedy.  She was a spy.

And dig this:

Humberto Fontova, Town Hall:  "Kennedy Family 'Matriarch' Ethel Kennedy 'Loves Che Guevara, Named Her Dog Che'

It's vital to have things like this pointed out to us so we can make decisions about our lives.

Incidentally, I checked and I could find not a single reference to this story that was older than six days ago, and every one of the dozens of these tales are on wingnut websites, many of them familiar to my readers.


So, let's move on to a couple other stories detailing the superb investigative journalism we have come to expect from the Conservative world.  First this scoop, which will thrill many right wingers:

"The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the coronavirus taskforce, a traitor to America, according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.

The indictment, which currently sits on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, charges Fauci with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors, many of which could see Fauci stripped of his medical license and deported to GITMO for the rest of his natural life. Those charges reportedly include treason, conspiring with the enemy, and fraud.

“Although the formal accusation is sealed, Fauci knows the gig is up. They’ve revoked his passport. After Trump wins the election, and after the pandemic has run its course, the indictment will be opened and Dr. Fauci will face a military tribunal to answer for his crimes against America,” our source said."

Traitor.  Traitor Anthony Fauci.  Soon to be in prison for life for his many high crimes committed over the decades as an infectious disease expert.  This is what they are willing to believe about anyone who even mildly corrects Donald Trump's endless lies.

But wait, this story is even a bigger abomination:

"Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities...The count was now over 50,000 traumatized, malnourished and deceased children who have been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation by the US Military and Marines since last October. The operations were authorized under President Trump as Commander in Chief, General Mark A. Milley and other military generals of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.

Malnourished, caged and tortured children have been rescued, or found deceased, in underground tunnels beneath large and small US cities, including one beneath New York Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor...Piles of little corpses, babies born to teens and even preteens in the tunnels who had never seen the light of day, deformed and traumatized children, preteens and teens who were evidently experimented upon and electro-shocked as part of CIA Mind Control and genetic experiments, sexually abused, locked in cages, tortured and killed to harvest their organs and Adrenochrome for the elites to drink in Satanic worship."

Best that you know this:  "McConnell Declares There is No Pentagon Pedophile Task Force...the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, a fictional agency created by fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth and adopted by other sovereign scam artists...Timothy Charles Holmseth is  wanted in connection with stalking related activities.  (He) targeted Florida attorney Kim Picazio accusing her of operating a pedophile protection and extortion blackmail ring of compromised state and county officials.  The Office of the Secretary of Defense has apparently been notified about this situation, but allegedly is dragging their feet.  Meanwhile, dozens of elderly citizens are allegedly donating large sums of money to this group, some apparently nearly all of their life's savings."

Dragging its feet- the same way they are dragging their feet in investigating whether Hillary Clinton is a lizard person from outer space.  Please note that these two stories represent a relatively new alliance between the QAnon loons and the malignant, violent Sovereign Citizen movement.  I can't really say at this point what that will lead to, but I am keeping my eyes on it.

And now let's just move on to a bit of the other superb scholarship that can be found in the wingnut world in the last week or so.  Some of these are quotes; some are my summaries of theories presented as clear fact in videos, the main source of information for the virtually illiterate people who make up the Republican rank and file today.

Bronson Stocking, Town Hall:  "ICE Apprehends Five Asia Nationals Illegally Present in the U.S."

That is certainly relevant information to Americans- at least the racist ones.  Five!  Five of them!  Get the guns out, Sadie, we're being attacked!

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "And the First State to Start Re-Opening Is Texas"

Good luck with that, suckers.  Kill yourselves rather than face reality.

Everything you thought you knew about Robin Hood is false.  Here is the true story:  Around 1200, Sherwood Forest was owned by the Rothschilds.  The Sheriff of Nottingham was a tool of the Jews, who intended to take over all of England (starting from Sherwood Forest, I guess.)  Robin Hood was actually a hero to the white race, who fought back against the Jews, and so evil Jewish historians had to portray him as a bandit to discredit him.

The Jews.  The Jews owned Sherwood Forest in 1200.  This same source relates how the 1918 "spanish flu" was actually the result of a massive experiment in electromagnetic transmission, somehow connected to Nikola Tesla, and obviously related to the fact that our current health crisis is really caused by 5G.

 If you know anything about the Tunguska incident, you will understand how that was the result of an earlier experiment of Tesla's that went wrong.

Aftermath of the Tunguska explosion

"False Prophet Pope Francis Gives Emmanuel Macron His Blessing And Anoints Him To Take The Global Stage As Leader Of The New World Order"

And here I thought it was going to be Barack Obama.

"New York Hospital Killing Corona Patients With Lethal Injection...A woman from the Dominican Republic infected with Covid-19 left a voice message before dying, in a New York hospital. She stated that they are killing the sick with an injection that they give them to get rid of them quickly...The audio was posted on social media by the victim’s cousin’s husband"

The victim was dying but she was aware of what other people were being injected with, and made an audio about it.  From the victim's cousin's husband.  No names, of course.  Must be one of those many people that are always telling Donald Trump that he is the greatest person on earth.

"Has This Egyptian Copper Secret Caused Problems For the Illuminati Depopulation Plans?"

It's something that goes over your electric meter, which you can have for only $89.95, which was apparently invented in ancient Egypt.  It protects you from the Illuminati, somehow.  I was never really able to figure out how.

"Did NASA Really Send Astronauts 1000 Times Farther Than They Can Today – 50 Years Ago?  Have you ever wondered why they claimed to have walked on the moon in 1969, on the very first attempt, even though right here on earth Mt. Everest and the South Pole took numerous tries before success...there was no independent press coverage of the event whatsoever."

I seem to remember the whole thing being broadcast on TV, so I guess what they mean is that there were no members of the press actually on the moon to see them land.  That's a sort of high bar to pass before these guys believe it.  On the other hand, they believe Anthony Fauci is a traitor and the military has rescued 50,000 children from captivity by Hillary, Tom Hanks and Queen Elizabeth, who enjoy eating them. (I hear Dr. Fauci likes his chopped up in Spaghetti Carbonara.)  We live on two different planets, and one day soon they are liable to collide.

What a mess, huh?  I hope the wingnuts have built their survival bunkers so they can have their White Aryan society after the collision miraculously kills all brown people and liberals.


Unknown said…

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KanaW said…
One thing that struck me - frighteningly - was this statement:

"Dr. Fauci will face a military tribunal to answer for his crimes against America"

in the first segment. Military tribunal? For a civilian? They really do want to turn this into a dictatorship.
Green Eagle said…
I believe that this might be exactly what Trump and William Barr intend to cook up against their perceived enemies in the next half year or so. It would be totally in character for both of them to issue a whole pack of false indictments against Democratic leaders and others that threaten Trump, knowing that they can easily stall any resolution on them until after the election, while the press willingly collaborates with Republican screaming the way they did with Hillary's e-mails.

It is, after all, totally in line with their contempt for legality, and there is no way on earth to stop them if they feel that this is what they need to do.
Anonymous said…
I suspect that all the memes and motivations and desperation are going to come together and coalesce. Picture it this way: Mid-September and the bungled COVID-19 response has taken the shine off Trump for pretty much everyone. One thing about the Halo Effect is that it is durable but not unbreakable. People will bend over backward to give their favored one the benefit of the doubt. They will make up implausible stories. They will deceive themselves. But if the spell snaps they become extraordinarily negative about he person. COVID-19, and the gross incompetence, and losing loved ones, might just be the last straw.

So it's late September. It looks like Trump is going down. But he really needs to be in the White House. It is the one place he can't be prosecuted for his crimes. It is the only place he has the power to protect his family of grifters and dishonest backers.

How to get elected? Trump is a showman, a pitchman. So this is up his alley. All he has to do is make Q-anon real, or at least real enough to get him past November 3rd.

After most of a month of preparation, with trusted contractors like Halliburton and B&R working 24/7 with nearly unlimited budgets through DoD black programs diverted, and private deep pockets like the Mercers giving until it hurts and the darker side of the DoD and Corp of Engineers working on a secret project it goes down like this:

October 31st late but early enough to catch the news police are called about a disturbance and find an empty but spooky underground complex seeming to indicate potential blood sacrifice and sexual abuse. Given the context it is written off as a Holloween prank or elaborate 'haunted house', but it remains under investigation.

November 1: Investigation shows that it isn't a prank or show and links are discovered with important people. People emerge to claim they were abused. Bodies ('bodies'?)are found the plot thickens. The administration plays it straight and doesn't seem to want to accuse anyone.

November 2: The thing blows open. Dungeons of abused orphans and what look like mutilated bodies are found. A vast conspiracy involving Jews and Liberals, cannibalism, blood sacrifice, the whole thing comes out and comes to a head in time for the evening news. Vials of "Adrenochrome" are confiscated. Perhaps they could catch someone in the act of injecting it and show the 'de-ageing process'.

You need scores of of well dressed people being led away broken in handcuffs. You are going to need paid actors to confess to every depravity highlighted by the Q-anan story, and then claiming unnamed important people lead them astray and doing far worse things. Late in the day rumors of credible accusations being leveled against prominent Democrats emerge.

November 3: Before the polls open there is a massive wave of prominent liberals, most democratic candidates, prominent Jews are arrested and dragged out in handcuffs. Arrests are staged to make it look like important people were engaged in various perversions. Many of the people dragged out seem to be smeared with blood.

Trump plays at being presidential, even evenhanded, seeking only justice against the accused. Even going so far as to comment that even though many seem to have been caught dead-to-rights, that all will receive a fair trial under his administration. That he finds it hard to believe that anyone could do such things and demanding proof.

The public is confused. Trump wins a second term. But not by much. Democrats own the Congress and have a slight majority in the Senate. But Trump has "won".

What happens after that is anyone's guess.

Victor said…
There has to be a reason it's "QAnon" and not "IQAnon."

But what could that reason be?
Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, thanks for taking the time to write such a well thought out piece. I may not be able to see everything you fear happening, but I can promise you, whatever they do will be just as malignant. In fact, with the utter blind, stupid obedience of the Republican base, my fear is that the entire election is going to come down to how much cheating they can get away with.
Anonymous said…
It seems to me that Trump, and the GOP, desperately need to stay in power. Outside the White House his whole clan is vulnerable to investigation and prosecution. The Q-anon folks desperately need validation for their brainless loyalty and the shit they have taken for being so obviously wrong so often. The GOP core is addicted to righteous indignation and this would be the mother of all mainline hot-shots. Seeing scores of liberals dragged away in handcuffs accused of such charges would cause sewage treatment plants across flyover country to explode as all those stained jeans need to be rinsed out simultaneously.

We are in for interesting times.

Let's say Trump doesn't win. What then? Don the Con has three months as POTUS. With the remainder of his and his family's lives under prosecution to look forward to how much restraint will he show? I'm thinking assassination teams, military and militia, settling scores with anyone he thinks didn't go along with sufficient enthusiasm. Will he prefer to go down in ablaze of glory? Perhaps a nuclear war to take Putin and Xi Jinping with him. Serve them right for not letting him win.

I don't see Trump calmly walking out. More likely to go with a bang than a whimper. But inside every bully is a coward so one never knows. We are deep into unknown territory. Norms and the usual expectation have been left far behind.

There are going to be PhDs earned, books written, films made about this remarkable time. The saddest parts are that it didn't have to be this way. There was no need for so many to suffer. And in the end our children's children are going to think we are grossly exaggerating as we are, if anything, minimizing.

Bruce.desertrat said…
Why do none of these idiots remember that Q was an immortal , extremely powerful being who was mainly a massive troll and dickhead?

Spreading this kind of chaos for the LULZ was right up his alley.
Green Eagle said…
"There are going to be PhDs earned, books written, films made about this remarkable time." If Trump doesn't decide, like Hitler, that if he's going down, he's taking everyone else with him. Hitler gave it a try, but he didn't have 5,000 nuclear weapons, and one of the only two samples of live smallpox on earth.

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