Wingnut Wrapup

Here we are again!  I want to start out with a general comment.  I pointed out a while ago the lunatic variety of explanations that right wingers have been giving to explain away the Trump administration's coronavirus failings, and the economic disaster they created.  Lately, a lot of them seem to be coming together around one explanation:  This is a plot by Bill Gates, China and the WHO to let a virus loose, then create a vaccine for it which will be forcibly administered to everyone on earth, at the same time injecting tracking or mind control devices to control the entire human race for the deep state.  Who knows, could be...

Anyway, on we go:

Paris Dennard, Town Hall:  "President Trump And His Task Force Are Providing Daily Hope for the American People"

Hope that he will shut up and go away?

Humberto Fontova, Town Hall:  Trump Denounces the Communist-linked WHO, Threatens to Cut US Funding"

"Communist linked," in this case meaning that they don't restrict their help to countries whose leaders suck up to Donald Trump.

Jeff Webb, Town Hall:  "The Market, Not Government, Is Best Equipped to Defeat Coronavirus"

And here are a couple of the ways:

"Free markets are also credited with being the best way to create a better quality of life for the greatest number of people.

Free markets allocate scarce resources to their highest and best use.  I wrote earlier this week that we need to take a business approach to get out in front of the three key areas of this disease: testing, treatment, and containment.  My point was that business people know how to take bold, decisive action to head off a problem. They know how to take measured risks to get desired returns. Our businessman president knows this too."

Our businessman president doesn't know jack shit, except how to brag, bully people and go bankrupt. And of course, the above applies to Hydroxychloroquine:

"To that end, it is now time to let the market get this drug into the hands of doctors and patients.  Dr. Fauci needs to step aside, take his clinical trial bias with him, and let doctors prescribe away. Doctors need Congress to step up and give them protection against potential lawsuits that a crafty attorney might want to file after this is over if a particular patient’s treatment doesn’t go well."

"Clinical trial bias..." i.e. finding out if the drug works before we let rich people make money selling it to people as medicine.  One more example of that filthy Democratic clinging to the truth.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "We’d Be In Deep If These Guys Were Still in Charge: Obama Official Samantha Power Attacks Trump for Holding WHO to Account"

"Holding WHO to account" being, in plain English, one more typical Trump attempt to blame his failures on someone else.  And along with a special extra helping of "I blame Obama."  Sad to say, Republican voters really believe this.  And that is why our country is going to hell.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Trump Smacked Jim Acosta Around at Today’s Briefing"

And that is what we want from a President in a crisis- smacking the liberals around.  Who cares if he kills a hundred thousand or so people while he is too busy owning the libs to do anything about that?

Streiff, Red State:  "Religious Freedom Seems to Have Been Singled out for Suppression by Wuhan Virus Regulations"

And another load of bullshit from one of Red State's longest reigning liars.  The "religious freedom" to deliberately spread a deadly virus.  It's like if those moronic snake handlers weren't content with playing with rattlesnakes themselves, but started letting them go in elementary school classrooms, just to teach kids about Jesus.

Streiff, Red State:  "The Left’s Strategy for November Is to Accuse President Trump of Killing Americans to Stay in Power"

And there they are again, with their malicious electoral strategy of telling the truth.

And then there is this valuable contribution to our current political discussion:

Jerry Bowyer, Red State:  "Is It Wrong To Talk About The Financial Causes Of The Crucifixion?"

Careful there, Jerry.  Your right wing buddies will be accusing you of being a Communist any minute now.

And speaking about Communists:

Stephen Green, PJ Media:  "Communist China and the Democrats: How Close Are They?"

Featuring this clear proof of the Democrats' treachery:

"Nancy Pelosi said bring your friends to Chinatown and go to the bars."

If that doesn't prove Democrats are Communists, I don't know what would, San Francisco's Chinatown being such a notorious gathering place of Communists.

And now a right wing history lesson:

Hope you enjoyed that.  Notice that there is absolutely zero evidence to support this claim.  The lazy bums. Don't you think they could have at least fabricated some, like right wingers usually do?

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Barack Obama Uses Coronavirus as Excuse to Push For ‘Vote-by-Mail’ in November"

An "excuse" to see that people can vote.  Outrageous!

Cassandra Fairbanks, Gateway Pundit:  "Mike Huckabee Files Federal Lawsuit Against County and Law Enforcement For Blocking Use of His Private Beach During Coronavirus Lockdown"

Way to help with the fight against a deadly pandemic, Mike.  And by the way, just wondering here, but how did a lifelong politician come to own a private beach anyway?

And of course, we can count on Jim Hoft for the most piggish comment of the day:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Should Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx be Criminally Charged? Tens of millions of American workers will lose their jobs because of inept government officials and their bogus models."

"Bogus models," according to the legendary Stupidest Man On The Internet, who knows far more than the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases.  So throw Fauci in jail for daring to contradict Donald Trump, who knows even more than Jim Hoft.  And if Trump cheats his way into the White House again, arresting people for telling the truth is probably the sort of thing we are going to see.  And I wish that were a joke.

And Jim still isn't done with Dr. Fauci:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "WOW! Dr. Fauci Tells CNN He Hopes Brad Pitt will Play him Some Day"

This obvious joke is interpreted by Jim to be some sort of act of unbelievable egotism.   Jim continues:

"Dr. Fauci is the man behind the greatest economic disaster in US history."

Dr. Fauci.  Not Donald Trump, no, Dr. Fauci.  It is Dr. Fauci who is actually responsible for keeping the nation on course.  It is Dr. Fauci who is to blame when things go wrong economically.  I guess we have all seen that sign, "The Buck Stops on Dr. Fauci's Desk.  Not my problem."

And now for a little right wing humor:

I swear, I will never get these guys.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "California Got Played: IHME Hack Ali Mokdad Says California Is Over the Coronavirus Hump – They Shut Down the State of 39.5 Million for 584 Deaths!"

That's why there were only 584 deaths, you stupid jerk.

Eric A. Blair, Gateway Pundit:  "‘Can’t Operate Out Of Hysteria’: Dr. Carson Says ’98 Percent’ Of  Coronavirus Infected Will Recover"

Hey, so only two percent will die!  That's such a cup half full way of looking at things!

Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "Investigating the sources of evil in the world"

And what would that involve, exactly?

"As we celebrate Easter with empty pews and confront the "invisible enemy," in the form of a virus, there are reportedly six exorcisms being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington at the current time. The pagans and secular humanists scoff at such reports. But signs of demonic possession can be measured."

Demonic posession. Great that the coronavirus has gotten you to focus so intently on our real problems, Cliff.  Maybe you could start by checking out the President.

Cherie Zaslawski, Renew America:  "Forget the vaccines--we've got a cure!"

hydroxychloroquine?  No, this time it's zinc!  Eat zinc!  Trump has pushed this one in his ego-fests, so just forget about a vaccine- who needs that?

"Our brilliant medical minds, precious few of which seem to reside in the CDC or the NIH, have found a plentiful and cheap cure for the much-dreaded Chinese Coronavirus, aka Covid-19: zinc!  Fauci, true-to-form as a Never-Trumper who supported Hillary, threw a wet blanket over the President's optimistic and spot-on message.
And now, thanks to President Trump for fast-tracking this cure and permitting its use now, we have just won this war!"

Yes, the pandemic is over!  Just eat zinc!  Or maybe a few teaspoons of galvanized iron, which should do the trick too!  And just in time, too:

"No more need for sheltering in place or shutdowns or lockdowns – if there ever was. And no, there never was. These tactics were used as an excuse for the America-hating Leftist globalists – many of whom masquerade as governors of Democrat-controlled states – to grind America into the dirt and to undo the prosperity Trump has brought to our nation."

Grind America into the dirt.  Well, look on the bright side- maybe that dirt has some zinc in it.

"Mr. President! Tell Dr. Fauci "You're fired!" ... Make America Great Again!"

By killing us all.

John Leonard, American Thinker:  "I'm a High-Risk Person, and I Object to the Coronavirus Panic"

I want to die.

Fletch Daniels, American Thinker:  "Democrats Likely to Dump Biden"

Uh huh.  Too bad Fletch couldn't get any Democrats to agree with that idea, but then who needs opinions from them, when Republicans are always right about everything?

Bruce Dietrich Price, American Thinker:  "Lenin's Train Goes Chugging through American Education"

An idiotic column, but it does give me a chance to show this nice photo:
Lenin, getting off his train in Moscow, from Ten Days that Shook the World. Isn't he cute?

Bruce claims to quote Lenin:

"We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth"

I did considerable looking for this quotation, and despite finding it in literally dozens of right wing websites over the last few years, I could never find a citation for it or any evidence at all that Lenin actually said it.  Let's just write it off as one more wingnut lie.


Astounding!  I never knew that.

Before It's News:  "Red Alert: Gathering Evidence Suggests That the New World Order Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal Have Made Their Move to Replace Their Vatican / Crown Banking and Governance Slavery System for Their Long Threatened Demonic One World Government Slavery System... What Are You Going to Do About it?"

Take a nap.  And I advise you to do the same.  See you soon.


Anonymous said…
I agree.

Just one small, nearly insignificant, quibble. One that in no way invalidates your thoughts:

"Lenin, getting off his train in Moscow, from Ten Days that Shook the World. Isn't he cute?"

Not to be a stickler but that doesn't look like a train to me. It seems to be armored car perhaps an Austin Putilov.

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