Why We're Doomed, Part Ten Million

From the Washington Post today, this helpful bit of analysis from Kathleen Parker*:

"Amid all this, one thing is certain: BS is dead. Which is to say, politics as we know it is dead. 

That’s a (small) reason to celebrate. The endless and often pointless art of pitting one side against another is unhelpful in a world on fire. Democrats in both the House and Senate are holding up legislation aimed at saving small businesses — the core of the U.S. economy — because they want to attach their own policy priorities."

The Democrats!  The Democrats are responsible for "pitting one side against another."  Not one word about the Republicans, with their packing of the courts with corrupt right wingers, their refusal to even consider any legislation authored by Democrats, their using their majority to push through trillion dollar giveaways for their backers, their President, who openly sabotages blue States while rewarding red States, their cheating every way they can in elections.  Not a mention.  It's the Democrats who are solely responsible for the partisan rancor that exists in Washington, because of "their own policy priorities." How dare they?  Don't they know that their job is just to roll over for the Republicans and keep their mouths shut? And the Washington Post, sad to say, is about as good as mainstream journalism gets in this country today.

And that is why we are doomed.  

*No link for bullshit like this.  Find it on your own if you want to torture yourself.


Poll P. said…
Well, if smoething as unexpected (or was it?) as Covid-19 can happen, maybe there will be another 'miracle' that wipes these rotters off the face of the earth.
Isaac said…
Relax...this was obviously the end product of a monkey randomly hitting typewriter keys for a lot of years
Green Eagle said…
While we are on the subject, Isaac, I have always wondered this: If you gave a million monkeys a million Stratocasters, how many milliseconds would it be before they all started playing Freebird in unison?
Isaac said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Isaac said…
I don't know if science has the means yet to measure time in the tiny increments it probably would take

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