The Obvious Truth about Testing

“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic"-Joseph Stalin

"Sixty thousand deaths is a tremendous victory for me"-Donald Trump

I always like it when I get a chance to say something that I haven't seen anyone else say, at least straight out.  Usually, this is just something I've managed to dig up that nobody else has noticed.  But once in a while, there is something that is so shocking to our sensibility that no one seems to be able to just say it, even though I suspect a lot of people have thought about it.  This is one of those things.

We have heard endless stories in the news the last two months about the inadequacy of testing for the Coronavirus in the United States.  So far, it has been written off as just a typical example of incompetence or of Republican disinterest in actually using the power they fought so hard to get into their hands to benefit anyone but themselves.  That is not what I think is really going on here.

In my opinion, Donald Trump concluded early on that it was in his electoral interest that the American people think that the Coronavirus situation was a minor inconvenience.  To that end, we know that he has told an unending stream of lies about the situation, all intended to minimize it.  But I am convinced that his malfeasance goes far beyond that.  I believe that Trump and his people are engaged in a deliberate attempt to sabotage testing, believing that the less cases people are aware of, the less votes he stands to lose in November.

He is willing to kill untold numbers of Americans to maintain his grip on the votes that the truth might cost him.  In its end result, this is no different than a South American dictator that is willing to murder his opponents to keep in power.

This is, of course, an abominable betrayal of the country that is among the very worst actions ever taken by an American leader.  For this alone, he should be removed from office and imprisoned for life.  But of course, he has committed so many impeachable offenses in his three years in office that most people won't even notice this act, more like that of a movie villain than of a world leader.  And his party, filled with people who are nearly as degraded as he is, will never supply the Senatorial votes necessary to remove him, so a rerun of the impeachment tragedy will not happen.

The only answer is to decisively vote him out in November, with a majority beyond the reach of Republican corruption and dirty campaigning.  And anyone who does not carry out that simple act of voting for the Democratic nominee will own a share of the responsibility for the destruction of this country.

Update:  Boy, I just got in under the wire on that one, if I wanted to be first to say it out loud.  People are starting to say it now.  Here's a sample, coming from a source that has mastered the art of evading the truth about Republicans (The Times, of course, not Daily Kos.)  Time for him to be in prison.


St. Joan said…
Good for you!
joseph said…
You give Trump too much credit. He really can't look beyond today's news cycle. Long term planning is simply beyond his capacity. People keep saying he's an evil genius, evil yes but genius no. A real problem is that if there is a second wave of this pandemic and Trump is in charge...
Green Eagle said…
I think he is conscious enough to think that the lower the numbers the better off he is. Real long term planning would tell him that this is going to come back to bite him really bad.

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